
Posted , 4 users are following.

Evening folks just home from a&e after 8 hours feeling crook for ages now today had doctors give him a him down of whats been going bang bong a presto the wife whisks me off to hospital wigh notez from doctor.1am hospital doctor comes in 2 ecgs both in af yippee bp 159 over 90 means nowt to me but got some glum looks off the mrs and daughter long and short i now have fool proof evidence for cardiologists on the 18th.the doctor tonight says cardioversion or ablation are being recommended by him i told him i want the ablation well im for bex now drained but morbidly happy with my nights work

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Good luck on the 18th and feeling a bit less crook till then!!!!!!
    • Posted

      Cheers andrew just chilling in bed at the moment hope our doris dunt wake me up with the hoover(fat chance)
    • Posted

      better to be woken with a soothing cup of something....... better than being bashed around with a hoover, shouldnt eat toast in bed!!!!
  • Posted

    Good luck on 18th and will hear how you get on.  Hope you feel better until then.
    • Posted

      Cheers for that sylvester my only wish is to get rid of this af and it seems ablation is in the lead we will see just hope cardiologists dunt start yanking my chain ive been 6 months nearly most of time in af without proper meds and my patience is wearing thin with medical people just wish they would listen to me
  • Posted

    Hi Popeye, It's good that you have proof of your condition. Hope that you get an ablation. I went to cardiologist yesterday, went back into AF after 7 months cardioversion so put my name down for another cv soon. I may consider and ablation if that fails. I have put a new post on this site but while I am replying to you Popeye I wondered if anyone has a travel insurance company to recommend. Because I am awaiting a procedure they say I am 'unstable' and wont' insure me. Anyone else had problems? I would be grateful for any help as I do want to go away. Well, Popeye, l hope that you feel better soon, I felt great for the last 7 months being back in 'normal' rhythm, just like my old self and I want to feel that way again. I am sure once you get on the list it won't be long. Keep in touch. Cheers. 
    • Posted

      Hi lankylass i have read up on ablation it seems the better than cardioversion as you have proved you can go back into defo pushing for it and if need be a pace maker if it will help keep well and hope you get sorted once and for all will let the forum know what is said on the 18th
    • Posted

      Cheers Popeye, I have had some good replies but the general opinion seems to be, leave the 'waiting for a procedure' out!! What gets me is that you see folk at the airport about 30 stone, smoking outside the buiding, eating big macs and generally looking like they haven't walked 100 yards in their lives!! They wont' ever have been to the docs for a check up and look like 'time bombs waiting to go off'!! Good luck on the 18th, keep smiling!!
    • Posted

      Cheers lankylass always smileing the 18th carnt come quick enough

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