AF or Lifestyle

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I suffered with anxiety about my heart after my Grandad's death. Ever since I was very aware of my heart beating. Then I noticed that after big alcohol binges I would have palpitations.

In December I went to A&E after a huge drinking and eating session as I was in AF. I was recommended to see a cardiologist.

Unfortunately the NHS waiting list was months long. I had to return back to my new job in Nigeria, where I manage a bar. 

Obviously managing a bar means you end up drinking most days. I notice skipped beats regularly. I have also woke up after a heavy night in AF. 

I recently seen a cardiologist here, the did an ECG and echo and told me that it will be holiday heart syndrome due to the lifestyle I live and I should take it easy. He said this because my left atrial was normal size.

I dont feel too confident with this diagnosis.

Ive also notice my head can skip a few beats when im angry.

Any thoughts?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi. Alcohol can be a very common AF trigger as can over-eating. Both have been for me, and it doesnt take much to be "too much". I no longer drink anything alcoholic. Many on this forum report similar. Add stress or anger and you are in the same zone. Can you get a referral for a 24 hr holter test or further testing to verify AF? But, be ready for some lifestyle changes too potentially, including cutting down (or cutting out) alcohol. Can you opt for non-alcoholic options when working? Watch also certain foods and beware of eating lots, late in the day. Theres lots of good advice on this forum. Good luck.

  • Posted

    Alcohol is a trigger with most people so is caffeine. I no longer drink,haven't for 3 years now. When I drank previously it always gave me palpitations. These turned into AF as I got older. AF should be avoided by any means possible as it's the biggest cause of stroke. Find a cardiologist who specialises in arrythmias for treatment and advise.

  • Posted

    My left ventricular is normal too, but I do have a slightly prolapsed mitral valve which can cause AF. Get to see an EP cardiologist,there are plenty here in London
  • Posted

    Hi Andrew

    I live just a bit south (OK a lot) from Nigeria, in South Africa.

    I agree with the other post's, Alcohol is definitely a AF/AFIB trigger. It also has been for me. I am careful not to drink "too much".

    Also be aware that alcohol causes dehydration and, that alone, can also trigger AFIB. So after a hard night, drink a lot of water, it's not just good for the hangover but also to try and prevent the AFIB. 

    But the best tip is to drink less alcohol - drink smart and measured.


  • Posted

    Used to drink and smoke and get the PVCs.  Lots of flutter.  Funny thing drinking more water and making sure I was getting the right mix of salt, Magnesium and Potassium is the best I've found despite stopping smoking and lowering the drinks. 

    For me, Beer is the worst.  Then Vodka.  Then Wine.  So for me, I went from a heavy IPA drinker to doing vodka / tonics and now I'm "mostly" just on wine.  I'm sure at some point I'll have to cut that out as well. 

    Also I wanted to add here that a lot of my episodes stem from too many carbohydrates.  My cardio doc. had heard this before although its rare.  Its like having Celiac but you don't.  Please try this as it has helped out a lot: remove as much white carbs as you can (wheat, crackers, gluten...etc..etc), get 10-12 glasses of water in you and double up on raw vegetables.  Avoid wheat like the plague just to give it a try, say for two weeks and you'll be amazed at how strong your heart feels.  For me when I am on the program, I never have that feeling like I will get the PVC's ( I can tell when they are coming). 

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