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My 80 year-old mom is feeling discomfort from Amiodarone. She has increased shortness of breath, is unsteady on her feet, and her hands are starting to turn blue. She is also up most nights, sitting on the edge of her bed, and getting upset if we try to get her to lie down. Her cardiologist says to continue, but 3 other doctors (who are not cardiologists) say it's safe to stop the medicine. He history includes high blood pressure, kidney failiure, and very mild congestive heart failure. She had cardioversion in May. Blood pressure medicine stopped and she was started on Amiodarone and eliquis. I stopped the Eliquis, because her primary said this is not usually given to patients with kidney failure.  Now, I want to stop the Amiodarone.  Will this put her  insto AFIB? In the four months since her cardioversion, she has not had epsidodes of AFIB..... 

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I am sorry to hear about your Mom. I quit amiodarone out of fear of the side effects and chose the afib as the least of the evils. With your Mom's serious comorbidities you are probably stuck with relying on the advice of medical professionals. The blue/grey discoloration of her hands is usually touted as a non-serious side effect, but I imagine it is pretty scary to witness. Best of luck to you and her.

    • Posted

      Thanks. We met her current cardiologist when he saw her at the hospital for her afib episode.  He gave optons, and I clearly remember saying that amiodarone was a drug he wanted to avoid because of the potential of complications.  So, when she gets her cardioversion done, he puts her on it....(?)  She's never gone back to afib, and it has been 4 months.  Her ENT and primary were somewhat surprised she got put on amidarone. Her nephrologist thinks its fine to stop for a couple of weeks, because I suspect it's also raising her creatinine since she's been on it -- so we can see what happens....

    • Posted

      I forgot to mention that her voice is very hoarse, too. 
  • Posted

    How long has she been turning blue in her hands? Is this all new symptoms? If her hands are blue, there is a blockage somewhere. No blood flow. My brother's feet turned blue and it was reversed with the blood thinner. She needs to go to doctor because of multiple system problems. Our advice is second best to your physician.

    Hope she gets better soon.

    • Posted

      The blueness started with this medicine. 
    • Posted

      Thanks -- the blue is in her palms.... and fingers... and I noticed it recently -- am reading it's another side effect.

  • Posted

    TMNA, you didnt say what the dosage of Amiodarone your mother takes? I have been on this drug for 2 about years now, and as I have had no Afib, this year I am cutting the 200 tablets in half, I seem ok after 4 months. Very best wishes to your mother.
    • Posted

      THank you. She is on 200, once per day. I asked if she could reduce it, and I was told that's about as low as it gets.

    • Posted

      Yes, they told me the same but I have knives in the kitchen and cut them in half. They have a cut line on the tablets !!!! When I get to 6 months on halves and Afib free I shall cut them into quarters. i really DO NOT want to eat all these drugs if not neccessary - - 
    • Posted

      That sounds like a plan. Thank you!
  • Posted

    Hi,  if your Mom takes Warfarin as well the warfarin dosage has to be halved because amiodorone affects it.  Also please look up amiodorone on your computer, I had a totally allergic reaction to this drug, it can also cause a chemical cardioversion.  I was told to stop taking it after the first 2 days because of my reaction to it.
    • Posted

      She was on Eliquis, and I just had to stop that one. Her primary said that it's not usually prescribed for patients with kidney failure. I don't like how she seems to hate this amiodarone stuff.

  • Posted

    I thought you all may want a follow up.  My mom was fine until New Year's, or so.  That first week of this year, she went back into AFIB.  Heart rate ranges from 66 to 140, with the average being 104.   She is back on warfarin. We're waiting for her appt with a new cardio doc.   Don't know if this was triggered by a sip of champagne or just rich eating over the holidays. 

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