AFib and Panic Attacks

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Does any one get these together,not sure if one starts of the other?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi April. Yes. often what seems like a panic attack is actually a response to afib!! 


    • Posted

      I have heard that the 2 are vey common together
  • Posted

    Hi april,

    I also have episodes of heart flutters. My meds help out, but not totally 100% , and yes the sad part is, when your hopeless.and helpless. Because you have no control over the erratic beats of your corazon. Thats where panic sets in.. Its just it !!!! We Just have to adapt.and live with it. They don't experience what we feel. I just keep myself busy, this site really helps..sharing thoughts. And knowing other persons are. Also out there trying to reach out...

  • Posted

    Yes!! I take Xanax to help with panic attacks . One feeds off the other . Nights are the worst ! How about you?

    AFIB is worse for people prone to anxiety .

    Best, Didi

  • Posted

    Hi! april83406...

    I get High Anxiety when an AFib Episode comes on. I can always tell when I'm going into it. Distressing. Panic Attacks are awful. I've had them but know that it's makes perfect sense to feel Panic or Anxiety. Geez! Your Heart is tripping out on it's own & You don't have any control. Scary! Talk to Yourself & try to breathe right to bring Your Heart Rate down. Panic & Anxiety seems to make the Heart speed up more. Stay Strong of Mind & Be Good & Kind to Yourself... smile

    • Posted

      i have occasional attacks of brief  paroxysmal a fib and a constant skipping pulse [bigeminy] lately i have been bothered with an increasing number or so i thought. My doctor suggested that i take 0.2 mgm of Xanaz and within 30 minutes or so my heart beat is back to normal except for the bigeminy which is benign and which i have had for over thirty years.

      So yes, for those of us plagued by anxiety, what seems to be a-fib may be a panic attack with heart rapidity, breathlessness and a sense of impending doom.


  • Posted

    I think we pretty much all get them. AF is such a horrible thing. Recently spent five days in hospital because every time a doctor came near me my HR went up and I went out of rythm. Since then I have decided that when I go out of rythym i am going to say hello to it and thank you for visiting and it seems to have worked and I have gone back fairly quickly.

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