AFIB and Reflux

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Hi Guys, 

I’m 29 and I’ve had AFIB episodes on and and off since my 2 ablutions for SVT back 9 years ago. 

Now I’m seeming to get possibly pacs/pvcs which I need to get checked. 

Question for you all, have you suffered with bad GERD/reflux which aggravates your heart issues at all. 

I have been diagnosed with lax lower eshopegeal sphincter and have to have a fundoplication due to bad reflux. 


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I guess I'm still on the lighter side of all this stuff, but it seems pretty clear that any kind of arrhythmia can lead to heartburn symptoms simply from the tension involved, and maybe from some overlap of the causative factors.

  • Posted

    I have wondered the SAME THING. I am just coming off of a 3week flare up of PVCs/PACs that were the worst I've ever experienced in my life (6-8 a minute). The 2 months prior to the flare up I had reflux non-stop around the clock (a result of stress and a horrid diet). I've read that your vagus nerve (which is part of your parasympathetic system, runs through all your major organs and is supposed to calm your heart) could become damaged, irritated or inflamed from the chronic reflux and possibly cause the heart palps, but I'm really not sure about that. It was just something I read on another forum. Let's see what others have to say smile


    • Posted

      Yes, I definitely believe there a link between reflux/ bad digestion and a fib  there is a good forum site on this subject. It could be to inadequate good bacteria in the stomach which aids good digestion. I started taking pro biotics to aid my digestion last Xmas and the results have been very good both by reducing a fib attacks and to my whole digestion process with less reflux/ bloating. Lots of info on you tube about the link between a fib and the vagaries nerve. Calm the nerve and stop the attacks.
  • Posted

    What is pack and pvc's please? I keep seeing this abbreviated and have no understanding?

    • Posted

      Premature Atrial Contractions and Premature Ventrical Contractions. It's supposedly a completely benign condition where it feels like ur heart skips a beat. Basically one of the chambers fires prematurely so the heart pauses for a second to reset the rhythm before resuming with a normal sinus rhythm...hence it feels like you've skipped a beat.

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