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MY PROBLEM: I was taking (in morning) 180 mg DILITIAZEM & 25mg Metoprolol. In the evening 25mg of Metoprolol plus Coumadin & a small statin.

SYMPTOMS: Every damn day I was getting this unendurable TIGHTNESS from my heart, neck and into my head. IT WAS A TERRIBLE CONSTRICTIVE FEELING. I wanted to know why I had to endure these terrible feelings. These Heart Drugs were making me feel terrible and worse.

When I looked at what I was taking, I realized there was only ONE SUPER HEART DRUG in the entire array of my meds. That drug was DILITIAZEM & I said to myself this must be the culprit drug which is causing all my terrible constrictive feelings in my head.

I saw my Doctor and told her my views. I NEEDED A CHANGE IN MEDS because DILITIAZEM WAS TOO DAMN CONTROLLING. It was pushing my heart in one direction when my heart wanted to relax and go in a different direction which was causing all the bad tight constricting feelings in my body. I NEEDED RELIEF & QUICKLY.

My Doctor reduced the DILITIAZEM from 180 down to 120 & upped the Metoprolol to 50mg in the morning and remained at 25mg in the evening.

So far - the first three days on these new DILITIAZEM & Metoprolol changes have been miraculous SO FAR? (Knock on Wood).


When the body starts fighting back against these controlling heart drugs there are consequential terrible feelings. There must be a balance with these powerful heart drugs. To ingest them in your body with a sledgehammer effect IS TOO DAMN CONTROLLING and will adversely effect your feelings and equilibrium. It is imperative that your Doctor change your meds IN ORDER TO STRIKE THE RIGHT BALANCE AND ELIMINATING THE TERRIBLE SIDE EFFECTS. Do not be quiet because these effects are unnatural and are caused by these SUPER CONTROLLING SLEDGEHAMMER HEART DRUGS.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Thank you for sharing this Jerry! I am not on these meds yet but might be soon, always helpful to have perspective from patients (not just prescribing Doc's). Hope this change in meds did the trick for you long term!


    • Posted

      Thank you for your remarks and good luck if you are prescribed new meds. JUST REMEMBER:

      If your new medications are going to give you unpleasant side effects, irrespective that they are common well known heart drugs, SPEAK TO YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY and force him to make a change in your meds.

      If the meds are forcing your heart & blood vessels to go in one direction and your heart & blood vessels want to relax & go in a different direction - SPEAK UP AND GET OFF THE MEDS causing the unpleasant side effects.

  • Posted

    I have experienced the pressure building up in my neck and head as well. Your right it is an awful sensation. It literally feels like the blood is backing up instead of dropping down and moving through my body. At least that is my interpretation of those feelings. I do not take deltiazem because I have had a serious allergic reaction to it years ago. My AF is the culprit, all by itself. It has been rearing its ugliness to ridiculous proportions lately. The episodes are daily, multi times daily and border on horrific. My metropolol is all I can take for it so we tripled my dosage and added a morning dose. Plus we are now adding Xarelto and stopping the plavix (I had been on for about 15 yrs). We also added a long lasting nitro to the daily regimen. My neurologist has found that due ti my CAD and the AF I have already had 2 strokes. Mild diffuse damage but damage just the same. The pressure in my neck and head is from the Afib, so fast and so irregular that the blood in the atria has trouble pumping down to the ventricles. Within a few minutes it passes but literally has me hanging on for dear life while it does its thing. They say AF is not life threatening? Sure feels like it at time. 
    • Posted

      I can very well understand your concerns and HORRIBLE FEELINGS. I get those feelings also, but I dropped the DILITIAZEM to 120 from 180 & increased Metoprolol to 50mg. For the last two to three days those chaotic vascular blood vessel storms have disappeared. However it has only been a short time. So I'm not out of the woods yet.


      Years ago to control the heart rate one doctor had me on 200 to 300mgs of Metoprolol or some other Heart Rate drug. That excessively astronomical high dosage made me almost an invalid. You literally cannot do anything quickly because you are always fatigued & huffing & puffing. IMPOSSIBLE TO CLIMB STAIRS. I have a hard time climbing stairs now with 25mg of metoprolol - let alone 2 to 300mgs.


      I don't believe a heart rate drug alone will make you feel much better. You probably need something more & preferably a low dose so it doesn't make your blood flow go in directions it doesn't want to go.

      Doctors will keep giving patients the same well known pharmaceutical heart drugs but everybody is different and one shoe doesn't fit everyone. We are all unique & different.

      If you continue to feel unpleasant with your present drugs - keep trying other meds, because feeling unpleasant IS NOT NATURAL which means the drug(s) ARE NOT WORKING.

  • Posted

    I was prescribed 180 mg slow release Diltiazem and it took my BP and heart rate too low making me light headed and dizzy and about to pass out. It was recuced to 120mg and then 90mg without any respite in symptoms so I stopped it.
    • Posted

      DILITIAZEM is a powerful drug that appears to work differently for many users. In your case you were getting a low Heartrate. In my situation I ALWAYS, ALWAYS had a high Heartrate. Most of the time - higher than 109. A few times I was in the 140's. All I had to do was move quickly and my HR would soar. In addition to high HR I was experiencing horrible blood flow feelings causing a tight and constrictive feeling. I have since reduced to 120mg & increased Metoprolol to 50mg mornings & 25mg evenings.


      It is good that you discontinued. If the pill doesn't work get rid of it. I have found over the last few decades MOST of these pills don't really work well. When they do work half ok, sometimes they completely lose their effectiveness and the patient must try something new all over again.

      I find that the LEAST CONTROLLING they are the better one will feel.

      Thank You For Your Valuable


    • Posted

      I had just had a pacemaker fitted and my heart rate was running at a steady 100 bpm two days later so I was prescribed Diltiazem. Now two months after stopping it my heart rate is between 70 and 80 bpm.

      In fifteen years of BP meds only two have not given me bad side effects.

  • Posted

    I totally agree,   last year after a cardiac inversion they decided to change my pills to amiodarone start on 1 three times a day then 1 twice a day then 1 once a day.  Trouble was this was worse than having af. when I looked it up,  it does a chemical cardiac inversion so the 1st night after taking the 3 pills at about 2.30am I thought I was dying.  I ended up with my brain not wanting to work, skin peeling of my palms and I mean peeling the it peeled of the soles of my feet,  It took ages for it to get out of my system and I only took it for two days.  When I checked with my doctor she said if was one of the black drugs,  what I would like to know why they can't give us a warning of what to do if anything untoward happens when taking these.  I reckon these pills cause us more damage than the heart problem,  now I look up every pill I am prescribed before taking anything new found out they also change the name of some pills so you think you are getting a new one and its one you have already been given and it didn't suit????
    • Posted

      THE TRUTH IS - the medical establishment DOES NOT have any effective pills to control AFIB. Moreover in the last 25 years they haven't made ONE ADVANCE WITH ONE OR TWO PILLS that can control AFIB. 2015 treatment is no better than 1985 treatment. It is all a farce. With diabetes and antibiotics they are making rapid advances with meds every few years. With AFIB NEW DRUGS - NOTHING AT ALL. The best advice is to take the AFIB drugs that are least controlling. Keeping damage & unpleasantness to a minimum. I don't even trust all the ablation talk I hear. Once they mangle up the inside of your heart - you will still have to take these horrible drugs WHICH NEVER WORK. The only drugs that work are Heartrate drugs but you will still be in AFIB but with a slower Heartrate. IT IS ONE BIG MESS AND THESE DOCTORS ALL KNOW IT.

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