Afraid to stop

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Has anyone stopped there blood thinner? I was cleared to stop the apixaban because its been 6 months and my ct scan was clear but im afraid to stop it. I don't want to get another clot.

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12 Replies

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    I stopped mine after 6 months 4 weeks later got blood clots in both my lungs. I am not telling you this to worry you . But to say I have been told it is extremely rare

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      Can i ask if you were on apixaban?  I am three tears on after multi bilateral p.e.s and was put on warfarin. Still clear.
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      Do ypu have a blood clotting disorder?
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    Hi Samantha. Wow 😲 So pleased to hear your good news. I can understood why you would be afraid but I suppose the Apixaban has done the job. Now your system can function without them. What caused the clot?. x

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      Not 100 percent sure. Think it might been from being in the hospital for 8 days but there not sure. I was up walking around but i sat a lot.
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      I am assuming they have done blood tests for other blood clotting causes, even if you were post hosp they should still check for blood factors. Sheila.
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    What was the reason for the clots?
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      They think being in the hospital for 8 days but thier not sure. I was up out of bed but i sat alot. So thier not 100% on what caused mine.
  • Posted

    Hi, if your dr says its ok to stop thinners then i would try to go with that.  If you have any concerns you can always book an appointment to discuss them with the medics.

    it is very common for people having had p.e. Clots to have anxiety afterwards, your dr will know that.

    Try to relax and believe all will be well.

  • Posted

    hi yes i stopped 6 months ago after being on riveroxaban for 6 months i asked to come off it as it was upsetting my stomach, 

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