After 3 months of no drinking... not even a month and

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I am almost back to where I was before sad

Now to find it within myself to stop again

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh, I am so sorry to hear that, what a shame.  But you did it can do it again.

    I am afraid I am almost back to where I started, I had not been able to stop, but I had almost halved my intake.  It is such an emotional crutch for me, I can't imagine ever being able to stop.

    Don't despair Sue, just brush yourself off and fight the demon again.

    Pat xx

    • Posted

      Thank you Pat and yes it's an emotional crutch for me as well... thats why it is so hard to stop.... but I also do not want to lead a drunkin life either

      Thank you again xx Sue

  • Posted

    Oh dear. I know exactly where you are coming from. 

    I gave up for 18 months. I went to AA and it was brilliant to start with. I went 4 nights a week. But eventually I couldn't handle the constant talk about alcohol. I wanted to get away from it. Not have it forced down my throat 24/7. It got to the point where talking about alcohol made me want it. I listened to people's stories about what it had done to their lives and I thought "I was nowhere near that bad" " what the f"ck am I worried about". So after 18 months i gave up. Don't get me wrong, AA was amazing when I needed it, but a pain in the arse when I didn't.

  • Posted

    HI Sue

    Perhaps you can swing this around again and stop?? We are all hoping the best for you and would like you do go back to the road of recovery...think of today as a new day and DO are strong and can do of luck

  • Posted

    Really do feel for you Sue.  It is an emotional rollercoaster that so many of us are on.  I am detoxing again for the second time and I am as I have done before addressing the issues that have driven me to drink with a different mindset.  I have also reflected back and realised how lucky I am to be alive after 25 years of 140 units/week and I have been looking at it from a medical prospective.  You can do it Sue, one day at a time, take care R
  • Posted

    ayDon't stress too much about 'falling Off the Wagon' Sue, we've All been there!! Just take each day as it comes, even if you don't get to the end of the day without a drink, get as far as you can. Drink lots of water, fill yourself up, it helps.
  • Posted

    Dear sue, I know how very, very hard it is...but never give took me endless years to finally stop...sections ( four times )...home detours..ect, but I managed it eventually....I have been well for twelve years and have my life back....

    Count every day alcohol free as a real success....on days you do is NOT, NOT the end of the world, just try again can and will get there....

    BE KIND TO YOURSELF, you are only human, we all make mistakes and have flaws....but that does not make us bad or weak in any way at all.....just keep trying and trying, you will do it....huge HUGS and very, very best wishes to you....take care always...Deirdre xxx

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