After 6 weeks on citalopram am upping to 30mg can i get some insight what side effects to expect

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    is 20mg not helping at all. ?

    chances are that increasing will bring on side effects again. same as when you started but maybe not so intense or last as long x it's possible you wont get any side effects as many don't but the only way to know for sure is when you do increase x

    6 weeks is still pretty early as some people don't see much improvements before 6 weeks as it's still pretty early days for a lot of people x

    • Posted

      Thankyou i think i will persist on 20mg my dr said it was early days to increase i pushed her abit out of desperation.

  • Posted

    Hi Gianneli/ what dosage where you on.And please note that you should not changed dosage for at least 10/12 weeks,so by going up a dose you will most likely get the same side effects as if you started again.How old are you?

    • Posted

      Im 59 i was on 20mg . I think i will stay on 20mg and persist maybe 6 weeks is not enough.

    • Posted

      20mgs is supposed to be the highest dose for anyone over 50 i think.

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