After cast removed
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Hi all,
Almost 6 weeks ago I broke my right ankle and the fifth metatarsal on my left foot.
On my foot I've been in an air walking boot the whole time. I can stand without the boot but haven't risked a walking yet as the boot helps make me nice and stable.
For my ankle, it was a stable fracture so no surgery required. I was in a temporary non weight bearing cast for a week and a half, and have been in a cast with a weight bearing shoe for the past 4 weeks - walking OK with crutches for the past 3 weeks. I have an appointment at the fracture clinic on Wednesday and if everything looks OK I'm hoping the cast will be removed. Not sure how likely this will be.
If it is removed, how mobile am I likely to be? In your experiences, will I need physio or will I just be able to pop on a pair of shoes and get going (maybe with crutches help for a week)?
Also recommendations for getting rid of the dead skin under there would be much appreciated!!!
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freddy41742 Lou1202
Hi Lou,
My situation was a little different to yours as I needed surgery and was in a cast for 8 weeks after surgeryand had the airboot for 5 and the last week or so I haven't really worn it unless my ankle has been painful.
Without the boot was odd at first as it almost feels like my foot/leg was naked but have been out of the air walking boot for 5 or 6 weeks now. My issue is range of movement in the ankle. Due to being in a cast for so long my achilles was seriously stiff and also muscle loss in the entire leg.
I have needed physio for range of movement and strength but I am sure everyone is different in their needs.
You will hopefully be lucky ( and I will have my fingers crossed for you ) and you can just pop a pair of shoes on and walk but in all honesty you might need to give it a bit more time.
Hopefully you won't have lost much muscle/range but while not being a doctor I assume that there is always some after the period of time non weight bearing!
Good luck and I hope you get the cast off and it goes really well!
freddy41742 Lou1202
I have found that it more comfortable wearing shoes than having bare feet, I think it provides some additional support
Good luck
jennifer48411 Lou1202
rebecca50162 Lou1202
Hi lou! I broke my fibula with ligament damage last month requiring surgery. I was non weight barring for 6 weeks.
After my cat was removed I was placed in a air cast ankle brace and told to weight bare as tolerated. The immediate pain I felt walking was my bottom heel! Which lasted for days my making it hard to walk on. Also i had alot of stiffness still do but it improving every day I'm not doing any physio either I'm stretching walking on my own..I was walk with a limp unassisted without the crutches on my 5th day with my brace!! Hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery!! Good luck to you!
devsmom Lou1202
Zay36286 Lou1202
Have you recovered ?