After period issues
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Hey ladies, I was wondering do any of you have anxiety or just feel off, days after your period ends. Today is the fifth day and yesterday and today was a struggle. Anxiety, stomach issues, headache and so much more..
I'm hoping this is hormones and nothing else is going on..
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bev27429 HopefulTrina
it is all hormones! As you get closer to menopause the PMS symptoms are mo longer tied to your period.
Guest HopefulTrina
It is most likely hormonal if you are going through peri or meno. I have all of your symptoms and many more. Some are linked closer to my cycle, but most are just either there nearly every day or come and go randomly. I have many head and visual symptoms too, as well as anxiety (health anxiety is the worst), indigestion, tummy issues, nausea, dizziness, migraines and it goes on and on...
kim93615 Guest
hi, jenjen75
I reading your post in hear you say you had almost every symptom dealing with periomenpause what about skipping heart beats l have it goes and come. the ring in the ear breaking out in hive if skin to dry hive are very itchy sometime dizziness.
Guest kim93615
Hi Kim, I do have heart palpitations occasionally and feel breathless when I walk up stairs or any sort of distance. I get the jelly legs sometimes too. No ringing in the ears, but I know of many other women who have this symptom. I have the dry skin as well as dry eyes and throat. I have had lots of medical testing and it has all come down to hormones.
lina19 HopefulTrina
yes. i start feeling low on mood and energy from day 7 to 14, where i dont feel like doing anything. i get a bit anxious about going out thinking that i might face some anxiety attack. however, it helps me if im more social n continue yoga. i have realized that i am able to overcome these feelings somewhat if i push myself hard. if not, its easy for my to stay in bed and only think about my symptoms n find comfort indoors. and its really ok to stay at home too. anything that makes me feel alright n pass these days to reach the other side. one day at a time. 😃
lydia2311 HopefulTrina
hi there, how far along the process of peri/menopause are you? What you describe is definitely how things started for me. I called it post-menstrual tension, rather than pre-menstrual tension. Then I just felt like I had pMT all the time. it was awful.