After weight gain am suddenly losing weight - anyone else have this???!
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I've been going though Perri for a number of years.
Was on HRT and came off them cause I was convinced they were causing fatigue. Blessedly my horrendous symptoms haven’t returned!
So, I decided to take the opportunity to cut out sugar and try n lose weight - having put on nearly 2 stone while on HRT.
However, I am losing weight faster than I have every done in my life - and it’s not like I've been exercising etc.
I am struggling to eat and am feeling rather nauseous.
Is there anyone out there who can put my mind at easy that this is just a passing phase where losing weight is at an unhealthy rate???
And if you experienced this how long did it take to pass??
Would so appreciate any help.
Thank you SO much
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klm1213 Izzie_Lizzie
Don't worry, I think this is completely normal because I went through the same thing when I started peri-menopause. I couldn't eat anything... I would put food in my mouth and chew and then it made me so nauseous I couldn't even swallow the food. I would sometimes go two days without eating anything. Now, all I want to do is eat!
Izzie_Lizzie klm1213
Most reassuring - thank you!
Have you ended up putting the weight all back on again?
klm1213 Izzie_Lizzie
kelly55079 Izzie_Lizzie
My appetite comes and goes. I believe it was due to anxiety. And I have also heard that sugar is the cause of many things and once you get it out of your diet, the weight comes right off. Congratulations on not eating sugar It's hard to do and I'm still struggling. You can't go wrong with eating protein, fruits and veggies-- It's the best thing for you.
Izzie_Lizzie kelly55079
Thanks Kelly,
i am finding it difficult to eat anything but having to be super careful I only eat nutritious stuff....
I certainly hope my appetite does return to where it was - here's hoping!
kim35797 kelly55079
kelly55079 kim35797
That is awesome!! As soon as I get motivated and organized I need to follow an eating plan. I eat many healthy things that 'they' tell you to eat-- just need to follow a plan.
Cuba123 Izzie_Lizzie
Hi this happened to me to recently. Premature menopause age 35. Get since 36 and ongoing, I'm now 50. I've not had a period since August and since October-end January mysteriously I lost 2 stone. No dieting or exercise. Nothing different. Anyway, I had all blood tests with gp : all ok and they've put it down to anxiety. But the speed the weight dropped off was scary and I'm left with skin and bones. Need to get to gym to get my muscles back!
Been on hrt since 36.
Now have little or no appetite and feel nauseous most of time. Dr gave me anti-sickness tablets which help.
Weight is stable now 😀
Izzie_Lizzie Cuba123
yes it is alarming the rate at which am losing weight so your post is most reassuring.
audra86673 Izzie_Lizzie
This happened to me as well. I lost about 20 lbs in around 5 weeks! I felt so sick and nauseous that I literally couldn't force myself to swallow food! I recall putting a small piece of a saltine cracker in my mouth and chewing and chewing it... I literally could not force myself to swallow it! It was crazy and very scary! All of a sudden food was just repulsive. I had zero appetite. Nothing like that had happened to me before in my life! I couldn't even watch food commercials on the tv as it would make me feel queasy. I finally started forcing myself to eat after the 5 weeks of very rapid weight loss. I could only manage to swallow bland food and was never able to eat much of it. I managed to slow down the weight loss but still lost another 10 lbs over the next 2.5 months. It's was like the hunger/appetite part of my brain just shut down! After about 4 months, I was able to look at food and watch tv commercials and not feel nauseous, but I also realized that I had zero appetite and never felt hunger- ever! I didn't crave things or any of those normal type sensations I had alsways had. Finally, this past January, 6 months after my appetite stopped, I started wanting food again and actually enjoyed the taste of things again. Since then I have gained 9 of my 30 lbs back. I was not overweight to begin with, so still need to add back another 10 lbs to look healthy, I think. I have been to many dr' s over th past 10 months as I've had several peri symptoms that had me thinking I was in trouble health wise and they have never found anything wrong with me. I do have a frozen shoulder, which is awful and I'm sure the pain of it has contributed to my nausea and lack of appetite to a small degree... but my appetite went before my frozen shoulder started. Really not sure what triggered my temporary anorexia but I'm very happy that symptom is gone! It was awful!
Hang in there! Better days are ahead!
Izzie_Lizzie audra86673
sound so awful for you especially as you didn’t have the weight to lose.
Am trying to be positive and looking at it as an opportunity to lose the excess weight that I put on as side effects of drugs.
But not had to go out for a coffee/meal yet with friends - that could be quite a challenge! Not least for them worrying about my lack of appetite....
Seeing my parents soon so that’ll be fun.
Oh the joys!
Thank you for you reassurance.
audra86673 Izzie_Lizzie
Oh gosh! Good luck seeing your parents! I recall seeing my mom for the first time after I dropped about 25 lbs! She hadn't seen my in about 2 months and she knew I wasn't feeling well and was having trouble eating. But when she saw me she gasped for air and just blurted out, " you look awful!" I just broke down and sobbed! I knew I looked awful and I felt awful too! I would have happily snapped my fingers and loaded on 100 lbs if it meant I could have felt better and eat at that point!
I had to go through the holidays with no appetite and seeing family. Not fun! My SIL is very rude and judgmental and I know I had her tounge wagging behind my back when I would only be able to pick at my food or eat no dressing on my salads and such! We're the same age and of course, she feels great and claims she's breezing though Perimenopause. 😑
Just think, you will get through this symptom and enjoy having lost the weight without having to diet! I know when I was so ill I stopped drinking carbonation and caffeine and cut out all sugar ( just wasn't appealing). I have added some sugar back but I now only drink water so even though it was hell, some good healthy habits did come from it! Crazy thing- I have always loved garlic. When I was young I'd dig the garlic pods out of the pickle jars! Since all this started I can't stand garlic now! Even if it's mild in a recipe I can taste it and just want to gag and can't eat it! My mom says that it happens with age. She can no longer stand the taste of cinnamon. Crazy stuff!
Guest Izzie_Lizzie
pinkcatfairy Izzie_Lizzie
Yes I lost weight and appetite and had gastitis (common in this stage) gastitis took a while to clear but appetite came back but for me it was a few months x