Again and again
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Have any of you experienced bright red spotting for a few days then almost a light period with small clots for a day, then almost nothing, then back to red spotting. Thanks for all your replies ladies.
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MenoPro1970 Bassilli
Brittay123 MenoPro1970
Finny2018 MenoPro1970
I am trying to keep track of this, too! I started getting cramps - I haven't had cramps since my teen years - thankful for all of those years but it's new along with my period being all over the board in length, timing, flow, spotting, clots etc.
It makes for a big transition being everything was so clockwork until age 49! About 4-5 days before my period would come on day 28, I would have one or two sad days, then an irritated day, then would feel very tired the next day and then BOOM the next day I'd get my period! Now my moods - all of it! - is so unpredictable.
Brittay123 Bassilli
MenoPro1970 Brittay123
katyD211 Bassilli
Sounds like me and I'm told by my doc that I am still in peri!!