age 39 your years of strange symptoms could it be perimenopause

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For the past 4/5 years I've suffered a huge range of symptoms all with no explanation from doctor. bloods come back fine ecg is fine etc. my period is still regular and this started at age 35. I suffer from health anxiety low mood aches and pains inc chest pain and palpitations. always cold always tired. brain got etc.i feel like I get around 10 days per month when I feel ok. has anyone else experienced this and put it down to being perimenopause? I'm at my wits end x

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Vicky,

    Yes, I have been suffering too with those same symptoms plus more since I am 35. I was finally diagnosed with low adrenal function and addressed that with natural addenal glandulars and have to take folic acid and b12 (liquid) every day. That relieves all of my symptoms. I know because when I stop, it all comes back! Hope you receive this post. .

    • Posted

      Thanks for replying Danielle been feeling like I'm going crazy and most people say I'm too young for it to be menopause relayed and doctor always says it's anxiety. I think I might try b12 and folic acid

    • Posted

      Hi Vicky,

      Please do, it can't hurt. Also Maca is super for Perimenopause/menopause. Macafem-all natural food supplement-look it up. Hope you get relief fast!

  • Posted

    I experienced the same thing I just started at 45 and I’m 47.  All hormones test came back normal , multiples ekg all normal, periods are ok I just missed one month,  I have numerous CT scan from hips, left shoulder, neck and head , abdominal , vaginal ultrasound they all came back normal, ansiety ,  blur vision, now I have a dermatitis on my scalp don’t know what the heck !!! Lol . I think my worry is the heart palpitations w fast heartbeats and my headaches are brutal .  Is just crazy that most doctor don’t acknowledge peri menopause . But we are here I’m at ease due to the site and I can say I’m not alone. In this journey. 
  • Posted

    Yes exactly the same, started when I was 35, luckily I got a break from it when I was pregnant and nursing, then symptoms came back with a vengence, so I knew then it was 100% related to my cycle...I'm 41 now, and the past 18months have been horrendous, tend to only get a couple of good weeks before it all comes back, still get periods, but the flow has changed. Had a blood test on Monday so will have results next week and I'll update you on the feedback, planning to go on bcp or hrt if the Gp agrees, just want some relief! Take care karen x

    • Posted

      Hi Karen thanks for your reply would be great to hear how you get on with blood tests. it's all so frustrating at least these forums let us know we are not alone ...or crazy!

    • Posted

      To all ladies feeling perimenopausal at 35+, or since 35+ have your adrenal glands checked. Low cortisol output means low female hormones which is released by adrenals as well as ovaries.

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