Age 58
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HI there just wondering, is 58 to old for HRT, as I have been suffering for years, now on to antidepressants, mitazapine plus escitalopram, suffering with slight treamberling, needing wee all the time, anxiety, tablets arn,t helping yetthanks
1 like, 21 replies
olive8 mrs_susan74280
Have you been offered Estriol cream I have just started it because I have terrible burning and pain too with no UTI. I am told it is a very weak oestrogen cream I wouldn't say it is helping dramatically will persevere for another week of every day then three times a week for two weeks then once a week. This feeling of needing to wee all the time and the pain with it burning and stinging is driving me mad. I am older than you and I would never have agreed too oestregen cream but now will try it because doctor says it doesn't get into blood stream.
Mars777 mrs_susan74280
Hi mrs susan. No I started on HRT @ 57, best thing I did. I had the same had to wee all the time. Anxiety really bad Hot sweats etc. I am now 64 & feel so much better. Quality of life is so important.
mrs_susan74280 Mars777
sharen74613 Mars777
Where you on antidepressants too. ?
You have given me a bit of hope but not sure if antidepressants and HRT are compatable.
Mars777 mrs_susan74280
Mars777 sharen74613
Hi Sharon74631 HRT & antidepressants are compatible yes .
sharen74613 Mars777
Hi mars, thanks for your reply, just got back from the doctors and I'm now on hrt. Just hope they work .
sharen74613 mrs_susan74280
Hi Susan ,I'm to on antidepressants for anxiety and depression ,I'm 58 in a couple of weeks . I'm feeling so low at the min ,I'm always weeing but that's part of menopause.I went doctors yesterday and was offered Hrt ,I don't no what to do myself.
maria76995 mrs_susan74280
Hi,I'm on those antidepressants mitazapine tablets I find they made me sleep once after that don't seem to drift off they help you St night.
mrs_susan74280 maria76995
maria76995 mrs_susan74280
Hi my doctor put me on 15 mg only thing it boost some mood nothing more I don't know anymore..well at least it's music Lol
I'm looking for something else to make me drift off at least my palpations calm down thank God hope they don't come back heaven knows
Shana_rifka mrs_susan74280
I’m 57 and been on HRT for 5 years. Most if my symptoms were nausea
Headache and extremely debilitating bloat. Since HRT I’m feeling so good. I initially began HRT cause of hot flashes. Then began the other symptoms my menapause doc said weren’t symptoms of menap. But we decided to up the estrogen and try. And it worked. I’ve been on antidepressants way before menopause but maybe HRT can help you. I think it’s amazing. Good luck to you and be well!
mrs_susan74280 Shana_rifka
sharen74613 Shana_rifka
Did you take antidepressants at the same time as hrt.
Shana_rifka mrs_susan74280
I’m on estrogen and progesterone cream bioidenticals. 2 pumps I rub on my belly every night. I’ve been taking antidepressants for the past 11 years and still going with HRT. I feel so great. I also take Trazadon, another type of antidepressant, to help me stay asleep. It is used for insomnia alone. It’s wonderful. It’s not s sleeping pill. Helps relax you enough to stay asleep. Hope this info helps!
mrs_susan74280 Shana_rifka
Shana_rifka mrs_susan74280
mrs_susan74280 Shana_rifka
HI was you percribed these by doctor , or phicatrist, I am on escitalopram, and mitazapine, if they don't work would like to try wellburtin, , are there any side effects to it at all, thank you
Shana_rifka mrs_susan74280
Shana_rifka mrs_susan74280