Age 66 menopause ????
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Just asking for someone. The had a histerectomy at about age 34 but has the whole confusion , lack of energy and brain fog for the last 2 years. Could it possibly be. Menopause
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liz67338 michelle_79406
Hi Michelle
Ive experienced this for past 2 years (as well as other symtoms...dizziness, short of breath, anxiety, insomina) its does sound like menopause. (If you are otherwise healthly have no medical history of other issues) I recently went to a specialist to have a hormone blood count , they determined the 4 key hormones were at zero level, so just started bio hormones which I'm praying will help.
Would highly recommend you getting a hormone specific blood test if you's taken me 2 years of suffering to finally realise it's menopause after that test.
Good luck
michelle_79406 liz67338
liz67338 michelle_79406
lynda20916 michelle_79406
Hope this helps!
michelle_79406 lynda20916
paisleygirl michelle_79406
Hi Michelle I am 60 years old and just started up with all the meno symptoms again and I've heard this can go on through my sixties so wouldn't be surprised if thats what it is
michelle_79406 paisleygirl
Omg. Like well I'm am in my 40 s and going through this and the symptoms seemed to be the same with this other woman. So does this mean i will still be the same symptoms in 22 yearsyearsv.?😩😩😩😩😩😩
paisleygirl michelle_79406
I started with Peri menopause at the age of 40 and had my last period at 51 had some issued on and of my worst symptoms were palpitations and anxiety and hot flushes and uti' at 9 years post I am having muscle pain, uti's, and vaginal dryness also some morning nausea and many other annoying symptoms ..hoping this is the last of it and then I'll be done ..but not holding my breath 😞