AGH! Need to rant!
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OK so this is not strictly a menopause problem, but I feel the need to rant.
I had a hospital appointment today. I thought it was for a trans vag scan (turns out that's NEXT week) But that was OK because the other appointment was to see a surgeon about my shoulder (I have been waiting over 6 months to see if something can be done about my painful shoulder). I had just got the days back to front, yes? No!
A nurse took me in to one doctor and almost imediately another nurse said I was to see another, more senior doctor about my 'biopsy'. Wha? 'Oh for the lesion on your back'. 'What lesion?' I have a mole on my back, I've had it all my life and it has never bothered me one day. I saw a dermatologist over a year ago about some skin tags and warts that have appeared on my arms and legs and she picked up on the mole. I told her it has never troubled me (unlike the skin tags) but she refered me to a surgeon to have it removed. That's what this appointment was for!!
I am SO mad on SO many levels. This eejit talked about cutting out a 'lesion' - I've even been offered 'counseling' for the scar! He totally disregarded anything I was saying. I have been through this before several years ago so it was like a weird deja vu. Last time I went along with it, it was supposed to be a day procedure but they changed it to in-patient because 'of my asthma' - er, I'm not asthmatic. If they get that wrong - what else?
Sorry for taking up so much of your time. But if you have come this far perhaps I could ask you to share any similar insanity. It would make me feel better.
As if we didn't have enough to put up with as it is.
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sharcerv52408 bobbysgirl
What kind of Mickey Mouse operation are they running there??? I would not go back! I'm annoyed for you. That is crazy!
bobbysgirl sharcerv52408
That's Mickey Mouse, Daffy Duck AND Goofy!

Sochima822 bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl Sochima822
Nope, 'fraid not. I asked to see the letter.
Sochima822 bobbysgirl
oops, Daffy duck, my keyboard's dyslexic!
bobbysgirl Sochima822
Not thought of that.
2chr2015 bobbysgirl
Agh! I'm with you have the option to go somewhere else? We all need to have a good rant now and then. We are here for you.
bobbysgirl 2chr2015
Again, nope! It is our nearest, NHS hospital (25 miles away), multi-million £, only opened 4-5 years, lovely building - BUT since it opened the standard of care has plummeted. It used to be a great, if tatty little place.
menopolized bobbysgirl
i was going through a severe coughing attack and i remember telling the doc about my back ache too
i was told to do x rays
according to the prescrption i found myself getting my chest x rayed instead of my back !! i insisted i wanted my back x rayed please !!
its such a zoo out here
bobbysgirl menopolized
Something similar happened to my OH. He thought he had broken some ribs, the xray they did showed nothing. The pain continued, his doc sent him for another xray from another angle - low and behold broken ribs!
I think that's why sites like this are so important. As an individual you start thinking 'is it just me?' Then you find you are not alone. That is very comforting and empowering.