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Agoraphobia Anxiety... OMG!!! Anyone else getting this with their peri/meno??? Everyday if I don't push myself to at least go for a walk it gets worse. Scared to drive far, scared to go into grocery stores or stores period fear of fainting get so sweaty feet and hands... Then the all day into the night migrains that follow ugh!!!What gives i can't take it anymore. Please anyone else experiencing this??? Please please please tell your stories of this awfulness....😣😢
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tracy19564 Gypsy014
I feel your pain. I have such an issue of driving lately. Forget about going into the store...I was having a panic attack just going into the bank today. Imagine that? What the hell?
Additionally, I have suffered from migraines since I am 12. I am now 50 and I still have them except more frequently. About 1 a week. This horror just does not end! Unbelievable. New symptoms every day. What's next??????
Gypsy014 tracy19564
Aww thanks for sharing Tracy!!! Yeah I just don't know either , I can't wrap my head around this at all.. I have no idea what comes next it's all just so awful all of it each and every HORRIFIC symptom.. Well I'm just so glad I'm not the only one that feels terrible driving to the store down the street or just entering the stores.. Bless you and hope you are feeling back to normal really soon 😀
tracy19564 Gypsy014
Thank you. I hope life gets easier for you and your anxiety eases up. I will keep my fingers crossed for both of us😉