AHHHHH!!! Just need to vent
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I have sinusitis and due to my perimenopause anxiety I of course am thinking I have a brain tumor. I am so tired of going off the deep end (NEVER happened before all of this hormone crap). Does anyone else get like this???
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Guest klm1213
juanita93228 klm1213
Yeah only all the time. I have terrible health anxiety. I have a Dr. appt. Thursday, waiting for the results is torture. it's just a routine physical to get my meds refilled but my mind..... I just pray for a clean bill of health.
teri76755 klm1213
wendy_4261 klm1213
Yes, I seriously think I've suffered every symptom of peri now meno, I started sneezing out of the blue, I'd just sneeze, have running eyes, basically feel like I've gt a cold then a few hrs later I'm fine, gt this every few months, my Dr told me it's all due to the meno, my Dr said, sadley some woman do suffer every symptom of peripausal /menopause and I'm one of them, my grandmother and mum sailed through there's, looks like I plumped for the lot 🤔🤔
NewfieMom klm1213
YES! Anxiety started for me about 2 years ago. It got to the point of being almost debilitating. I had never experienced anything like that before. I was having digestive issues when it first started. I was convinced I was dying. I can remember sitting in a movie theater on my daughters birthday tears rolling down my face thinking of how sad my family would be and how much I was going to miss because I KNEW I was dying. I never once thought anxiety could be a part of this "wonderful" experience - but it is. I started meditating every day and that has helped me tremendously. Hang in there. Sorry you are having to deal with this as well.
2chr2015 NewfieMom
NewfieMom 2chr2015
It takes a while to get into the meditation "groove". I have a bad case of squirrel brain.
So there are plenty of days when I am not really into it. I use an app on my phone called Insight Timer. It has helped me a lot.
mauiblue NewfieMom
How old are you?
I looked into the insight timer app, it looks do able!
thanks for sharing, glad you are here for support !
2chr2015 klm1213
Absolutely. Still can’t make a connection between hormones and health anxiety. I have something I need to have checked at the doctor soon and I seriously do not know how I am going to make it through the appointment🙄. I will take something but literally I need a tranquilizer or something.
juanita93228 2chr2015
Me too. I have a routine physical Thursday. Always afraid they'll find something. Will take a Valium before I go. Waiting for test results are torture!😫😖
mamamia03 klm1213
Hi Kim. I'm spending another night on sofa they've been to frequent lately. Anxiety is literally driving me mad. Attacks get so bad when I lie down I can't breathe, and feel like my throat is closing in. I end up on sofa because my poor husband has to get enough sleep before work and I hate disturbing him even though he says it's ok. Will this horrible time ever end. I could cope with everything else but the health anxiety is destroying me.
klm1213 mamamia03
I know
I just try to take deep breaths and calm down and tell myself it's only my hormones. I also look on Pinterest and watch videos on YouTube just to distract myself, which works about 75% of the time. I wish I was more mentally prepared for all the symptoms that accompanied this.... I just have always heard it was hot flashes and mood swings!
Guest klm1213
Well today it's crossed my mind that I might have colon cancer, uterine cancer, a UTI, gastritis again, back problems, and hemorrhoids. I've also started coughing a little and my throat feels sore, so worried about that being something too. It's just awful. Wish I could get one day where I'm not worried about having something that's going to kill me. I'm also visiting a Lyme endemic area for the summer so worried about getting Lyme Disease again. Every mosquito bite makes me cringe. I worry about bed bugs in hotels. I'm worried that my ring finger knuckle hurts and I can't wear my rings, so I must have rheumatoid arthritis. I worry that my ferritin is way too low. The worry is killing me. How do you change?
amanda59745 klm1213