Air headed
Posted , 7 users are following.
Does anyone feel like their heads full of air cant think or concentrate on anything...head pains tingles and pressure....gaaah
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Does anyone feel like their heads full of air cant think or concentrate on anything...head pains tingles and pressure....gaaah
1 like, 22 replies
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wanda19306 TropicalVon69
Hey yes mines does all the time, I have a lot of head pressure I hate it, I want to go and get a cat scan, but after reading all of these symptoms i know its from the menopause, I'm so miserable. I been taking Premain but i don't know if its helping me..What are you taking?
maria101 TropicalVon69
Hi Tropical, it's the menopause causing that I use to get it, I had CT scan few years ago nothing show up on there it's just hormones make you think something is wrong when nothing is wrong with us...I think meno plays tricks on the body
but if your not so convince you could have a CT can to put your mind at rest ok.
wanda19306 maria101
dee53012 TropicalVon69
my head is filled with cotton and swiss cheese
concentration? what's that!?!!!😲😱😵
gaaa is right!!! LOL!!!
MoonLeaf TropicalVon69
This may offend some, please understand I don't mean to, it's just that this is the only word that suits ... sometimes, I feel downright retarded! Yes, I cannot concentrate and focus in on things at times. In fact, I find it so difficult to formulate a single thought, or frame a sentence, or even follow a train of thought. I get myself flustered, and then I get confused easily, and then I get down on myself, telling myself I'm stupid, asking "what's wrong with me!?" I worry that maybe I'm some fraud walking around acting like she knows things, when really, if you asked me anything, I'd have a hard time putting things into words. I feel as if I can't even speak sometimes. This is the weirdest thing ever to me. If this is part of the "natural" aging process then I'm screwed. I'm starting this 4-straight month birth control pill today, to see if this helps. I wanted a cream, progesterone, which is what I hear So much about these days, bioidentical hormones, and that is what I'm interested in finding out about, but I have to wait to get in to see the specialist. I started with a Gynecologist, and was so disheartened on every level. Didn't vibe with him at all. He understood nothing about what I was asking with regard to hormone replacement therapies, he discounted my symptoms, basically joked and said you must just be crazy. Which, hey, I'm sorry---it's not funny because as a woman, you DO feel as if you're losing it sometimes. I'm going to try this birth control pill and I'm continuing my vitamins/supplements, trying to eat well, exercise, and do everything with some balance, but it just sucks not feeling good. Second-guessing everything I think and do and say. Hormone issues are difficult to read. This is all so difficult. Feeling down today about it all.
MoonLeaf ~
Jokey MoonLeaf
I think I have said before, I do not feel like myself anymore, I feel
Like a complete idiot when I try to converse with someone.
I am experiencing the same feelings as you and often feel I am
losing respect for myself with my strange behaviour!
This could be the reason we feel a bit better writing about it.
I don't think I am the weird person I am when I am I am writing
to you all, more like my old(articulate) self?
I hope this all ends soon.I am not a happy bunny😩
dee53012 MoonLeaf
With that, I hope you feel better.
metamorphed MoonLeaf
MoonLeaf metamorphed
I will definitely do that. I was just reading about side effects, but I'm just going to go forward with this, I guess, and keep record of what I experience. Only I know my body, really. I'm losing faith in the doctors we have around here in my small town. Doctors really discount women's issues it seems. Like we're all just hormonal loons, which maybe we are, but HELP US! UNDERSTAND US! EMPATHISIZE WITH US!
So, anyway, sure ... will keep you posted.
MoonLeaf ~
;-) ...
Jokey TropicalVon69
That head thing...had it today, haven't had it for ages! Had a zigzag
migraine yesterday as well. Not been a good weekend😕
wanda19306 Jokey
Can't believe menopause do this to your mind and body...Nobody seems to know why it makes you feel this way, doctors don't have a clue!!!
dee53012 wanda19306
wanda19306 dee53012
Yes I'm just praying that it gets better in time, I would feel better if it wasn't for the head pressure and dizziness
Jokey dee53012
Well Dee I have had it all for at least 12 years and its not getting a lot
I know you have been through such a lot,so I don't want to be a
moaner, but I am beyond fed up with it. I am 56 I want to move on.
Trying to keep positive but I have added family stress too, which doesn't
help. Sorry all
Just going through a bad patch . It helps to offload?
Sincere thanks to you all😊😊
Jokey wanda19306
Yes Wanda felt very dizzy on Saturday thought I was going to faint
at one point.
I am sure we will feel better soon😊😊
Gotta keep smiling and having a laugh. All my best to you.
wanda19306 Jokey
Jokey wanda19306
Sorry Wanda but I can't take anything as I have high bp, so have
managed this all on my own throughout. I can't say it has been
easy it has not but I am getting on with it. You will too, be strong.
There are many ladies on here who can recommend what to take.
Good luck with it all. I wish you well?
wanda19306 Jokey
dee53012 Jokey
Oh man, 12 years, it sucks. I was trying in my own heart to make myself feel better I guess. Sarcasm on line is not as effective. I hate it too, right now I am not pease with just about everything. Sorry I was flippent. It was not personal.
Jokey dee53012
No Dee I never took it like that, you know I usually try to laugh
about it all, but had a bad weekend so am feeling a bit delicate!
I always love to read your comments, you are very helpful.
I am sure I will be back on form next week (watch this space)!
Lovely to chat to you Dee, hugz to you too😊
dee53012 Jokey
I get it 😂
thank you