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is sertaline dagerous wi drink does any1 knw i was drnkn last nite and tdy iv a wile headache and cnt think right iv b een on these 6 weeks and am very paranoid fr sme reason

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Its not dangerous as such, I used to get bladdered on it at times, but I would suffer the next day. No medication really works well with alcohol especially anti depressants.

    Sertraline is quite strong and will enhance the effects of the alcohol, you won't feel it at the time but it will cause effects that last a few days.

    Hope this helps!!



    • Posted

      Hi Mark

      Just curious, how did it affect you the following day(s)?

      What dose were you on?

      Many thanks


  • Posted

    thnks mark how long hv u been on it and did sertaline help u?
    • Posted

      Hi Brent,

      I've been off sertraline for about a month now.

      It gave me my life back I was on it for about 7 months but it really helped me to gain control of my reality which had been blurred somewhat, the withdrawal is quite fierce but worth it.

      It reduced my anxiety and I could work on it which helped me keep my job.

      Keep strong!!! 

      You are so not alone.


  • Posted

    il stick with it to see anyway just thinkn stuf alot tht i shouldnt even be thnkn about but im sure they will help in the long run thanks mark
    • Posted

      Your welcome.

      It was difficult when I first started them but it will get easier, feel free to talk on here if it gets difficult there are a lot of listening ears and friendly advice.

      All the best


  • Posted

    Hiya Brent.....Drinking isn't a good idea on this medication.Try to stay off the booze and eat nourishing foods.Hopefully you will feel better soon.
  • Posted

    Hi Brent,

    There is no known interaction between alcohol and sertraline. I've been on sertraline for 2 years now and drink regularly. I've never noticed any effects during or after drinking.

    I'm not saying that will be the case for everyone because we may all react differently to these things. It might be that you just had a hangover the day after drinking.

    If your genuinley worried go and see your GP.

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