alcohal withdrawal with delirium

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hi 4 months ago i had alcohal  severe withdrawal with delirium, now feeling Ok can i drink again socially. 

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    That is a question only you can Answer Lalit. But I would say Probably Not...
  • Posted

    ONLY if you used The Sinclair Method. Google it and have a look at:

    • Posted

      Peter, it is expected that 'pharmacological extinction' (the point at which the body has been reconditioned not to expect the strong problematic reward from alcohol anymore) will occur within 2-3 months on average, although it can take longer for some people. At that point, many people just don't feel the need to drink at all. Others carry a pill just in case they are in a social situation where they would like to have a drink. It is a serious problem to drink again at ANY point without first taking a pill. Alcohol Use Disorder will still exist in the patient but it can be kept under control by taking a pill in advance of drinking.

    • Posted

      Hi Paul ..I am 7 weeks in on the Sinclair method and it's working well for me..I have been wondering though as I only drink 2 or 3 times a week now (with the nalmefene) will it take longer to reach pharmacalogical extinction say from a person who takes a pill daily .This is just curiosity really.. I would also imagine once that desire to drink disappears and pills then possibly taken infrequently there is a risk of side effects returning ?

    • Posted

      Hello Nat.

      It may take a little longer if you are giving the body the message less frequently by taking a pill then having a drink. However, this doesn't matter so much if you are drinking a lot less after taking a pill. It often slips by without being noticed, there isn't one day when you suddenly know it has happened. Many people report to me that they suddenly realised that they have 'forgotten' to have a drink for two weeks.

      Unfortunately, the side effects of nalmefene do return if you don't take one for a few weeks and then suddenly take one. Naltrexone is much better in that way so it may be worth asking if you could be transferred to that at the point at which you are not drinking for a few weeks at a time.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much Paul...that clarifys pretty much what I was thinking 😊

  • Posted

    Dont try social drinking, you will only be fooling yourself ! .As Paul says try the Sinclair Method,its the best advice you can get....follow it you won't be sorry 

  • Posted

    I agree with Nat, follow link Paul has given you. I very much doubt you can drink socially now without following The Sinclair Method.

    Kind Regards


  • Posted

    I'm trying to understand your post.

    If you are drinking socially and are ok...what led you to post on the Alcoholism board?  This makes me think that you have a concern about drinking socially or you want to see if others are able to drink socially?

    I know that a scientific fact is that once an can't really drink "safely" unless the Sinclair method works for you.

    I know from experience that I have throughout my lifetime quit drinking for periods of time and started back "socially" and within a very short amount of time became a daily drinker again.  I know I'm an alcoholic and I shouldn't drink.

    Yet, I keep having times that I drink anyway...because some pain is just too great that I am wiling to "risk my life" with a drink.  

    I'm currently recovering again....from a short 4 day bender...which I thank GOD it didn't turn into my usual - 20- 30 days and end in a hospital bed.

    I'm worried for you that you think you CAN drink socially. Someone that has experienced DTs is definetly an alcoholic.  

    If your going to least try the Sinclair.

    • Posted


      Any withdrawals from that binge?i hope not

      To the original poster. I had mild/mod WD symptoms unexpectedly after a weekend binge on top of daily moderate alcohol. I took a few months off. Started drinking socially and even only drinking 2-3 drinks 2 days in a row gave me pretty good Anxiety and tachycardia. Drank 4 days in a row over New Years, not very much...and was back in wd and 3 days of insomnia.

      I'm not sure the science. Unlike some, I can have just 1-2 drinks mentally. No cravings etc. but physically my brain can't handle it. So I'm done for a long while. Just not worth the WD symptoms I get from little alcohol.

    • Posted

      Yes, of course I had withdrawals from that small binge last week.

      I still don't feel the same and today is Day 6 of not drinking.

      Anxiety is horrible...gloom and doom.  You also sound like you can't drink safely either. I don't think any alcoholic can drink safely.

      I know if my boyfriend (normal drinker) has a few too many he will sleep it off the next day...not me...I'm up at dawn cracking another one to take away the cotton mouth and overall unwell feelings.

    • Posted

      Thanks Missy2. I hope you start feeling better soon!!

      Another question. If you only drink 3 drinks and stop. If I are You still get mild withdrawals?? That's what's been happening to me. Severe anxiety and insomnia some mild tachycardia. 90s vs 70s. So I'm on hold for 6 months. We will re-evaluate then. Right now. I really want to know. Can I have 2 drinks on a Friday eve and not spend 5-7 days of agony?? If not. So be it.

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