Alcohol and Bad choices again

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I really messed up. I got so drunk I got with another guy and confessed to doing it so were breaking it off. I really love my partner but I dont think theres any point trying to push past this if it will never be the same....I dont think I would have been able to lie to him either. why do i sometimes drink alcohol and be fine and other times a whole other person comes out. Im so fed up with the constant binging but I cant seem to stop. I told my doctor and they were not concerned at all. This hasnt evn sunk in yet I need to stop.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I totally untderstand you.... And I'm in a pretty similar situation.  I;ve also accepted the fact today that I am alcoholic and have made the first steps to getting help.

    I don't drink everyday but you mentioned, I binge.

    I have just started seeing this guy and I said something that was clearly out of line Friday night and I have a feeling, this is where it ends.  I'm gutted but what's done is done and you just have to stay positive and hope that things run thier own course or you learn from this mistake and show your partner what you really mean to him.

  • Posted

    Hi, I too know eactly where you are coming from, I have had a drink problem for about 30 years but have only just (due to letting myself and my family down AGAIN) faced it head on and said I am an alcoholic.  Its been hard to face because I dont drink everyday, I just couldn't stop once I started (not always but most of the time) my average unit consumption over the past 10 years has been 63 a week.  If you want to just stop then go back to your Dr and stress the situation, if like me, the thought of never having another drink is horrendous, then look on the internet for TSM (The Sinclair Method) it is an alternative treatment to abstenience and your Dr might be able to help.  It is working for me all be it slower than I had hoped.  I just want to be able to remember the end of evenings/events I couldn't standit anymore.  I have a great husband, kids and job there was just this one thing I could not control at all, it didnt make much sense to me so I didnt expect anyone else to understand, but people on this forum really do.  Good luck and try not to beat yourself up too much, it is an illness and you need some treatment.
    • Posted

      HI Em.Admission is a BIG step AND YOU CAN DO IT!! You have a lovely and caring family and they will support you. It is NEVER too late to stop as I will gladly admit....had too much too loose and was drinking too much for so many years but stopped overnight since I was on the point of destroying my Dec this yr 3 yrs no drinking and not looking back. Keep us posted whatever happens. we will support you and not mis judge you.
  • Posted

    Hello Petal. Things happen for a reason. Maybe things were not quite a rosy in the garden as you may have believed with your partner..perhaps that's why you drink, and maybe why you went off with someone else. Or maybe it's a shining example (on that will ALWAYS stick in your memory) of the dumb ass things you do when you're drunk. Believe me, I've done them all.

    It's early days for me (which I will write up on this forum) and I've spent a great deal of time reading posts about addiction to booze. I woke up in a Vegas room exactly one week ago, feeling like sh*t with a very hazy memory of the night before. The familiar feelings of remorse, guilt, embarrassment washing over me. 

    That day...that filthy morning was the end for me. 

    One day at a time petal. 

    Knock. it.on.the.head.

    much love

    • Posted

      YES!! One day at a time. You can do it! keep trying and we will listen to you and not mis judge..A lot of us have recovered and can give you good advice...

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