Alcohol and Menopause
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Recently there has been lots of mixed press about the health affects of alcohol. Some reports indicate that drinking in moderation may actually have benefits for heart health, could raise good cholesterol and inhibit the formation of blood clots. A cocktail or a glass of wine, however, can trigger and intensify your menopausal symptoms. Alcohol temporarily increases the level of estrogen in your bloodstream , making hot flashes more likely. A drink can also further with your ability to remain asleep at night. There may be even more serious consequences of drinking alcohol if you're taking hormone replacement therapy. Findings from the Nurse's Health Study indicate that for those on HRT, consuming even one and a half drinks a day makes your risk of breast cancer 30 percent higher than it is for women who don't drink alcohol at all. Here are some tips....
1. If you don't drink, this is not the time to start.
2. If you do drink, moderation is the key. Limit to one drink a day.
3. Consider substituting a healthier beverage for booze at least some of the time. Seltzer or club soda, tomato or fruit juice, iced tea, or smoothies are thirst quenching and can be just as festive--good for your spirits as well as your body.
Reading from Menopause for Dummies
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