Alcohol update

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Hi my friends. This is my third attempt this morning to type this post ( they keep disappearing before I've finished - frustrating ) but I'm NOT drinking Alcohol. My Binge stopped Easter Monday.I was in a dreadful state so Ill covered in brusies from falling over, hubby disgusted with me disgusted with myself for getting into that state AGAIN.Fast forward to this morning body is recovering feeling better in myself hubby is speaking to me thank God one last chance I would rather have him than Alcohol - that's the choice I have so it's up to me ! ? To be honest with you all since the recovery time started surreptitiously I went into a brand new pub to see what it looked like and how lovely a glass of wine would be.I wanted to watch the lovely wine being poured into a Large glass imagining what the first taste would be like the buzz magic ! ! After half a glass had gone I thought this is not so nice why did I bother spending £6. 50 on it ? Finished it though - can never leave unfinished wine.Walking home began to feel very drunk.That evening legs and ankles started to swell again stomach felt uneasy.Fortunately Hubby did'nt notice symptoms. That was not the last time since then I found 2 cans of Larger that I had hidden at some point but forgotten about them drank one immediately same horrible feeling again. This Sunday went out with hubby had lovely day perfect weather nice lunch good walk no stress.On way home all I could think about was a glass of wine which would finish day off perfectly.Not to be only had the can of Larger that would have to do so focused on that.Whilst hubby made the cups of tea I went upstairs and opened can.It was'nt a lovely day after that I felt rubbish again. I'm not bothering to buy supplies anymore then I won't be tempted but on the other hand if I don't have emergency supplies available-the craving might be to difficult to cope with.Sorry I have gone on so much. I will have to have more willpower and determination and remember how much I will lose and how i feel when I drink Alcohol - only small amounts as well.Perhaps my Body has become intolerant with Alcohol.Does anyone know about that ? 

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Susan

    Have you thought about anti craving drugs,maybe campral?

    • Posted

      Hi Nicole. Yes I have campral staring at me in my bedroom.I forget to take e it when I'm going out because I don't have cravings then ! Must remember in future just in case the craving gets into my head which useually happens.Good idea.Thanks.
    • Posted

      I might be wrong here Susan as I have no personal experience of Campral, but isn't it supposed to be taken consistently to help prevent cravings?

      My understanding is that, unless your doctor has instructed you otherwise, you should be taking 4 campral tablets a day, 2 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon and and 1 in the evening (this is according to the Campral Patient Information Leaflet that came with the tablets). 

      I think this is why none of the medications that have been prescribed to you so far have never resulted in helping you to stop drinking, whether that is naltrexone, nalmefene or campral.

      When you are taking medications, you cannot expect them to help you correctly if you do not follow the prescribing instructions.

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      Hi Joanna. You are so right about being mindful with medication.I will put the Campral in a more obvious place then I cannot forget to take as per instructions.Thanks for the reminder.


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      As a suggestion, why not set an alarm on your phone to remind you of each set time that you should take it?


    • Posted

      Yep, Joanna, that is correct. Campral is taken every day for about 12 months - can be less. 4 or 6 tablets female/male per day.

      Takes a week to get dosed up in your system and effective, for me it took about three weeks before I really felt it.

      You're meant to continually take it and have it in your system at all times. You are quite right in what you said to Susan and it will have no effect taking a tablet just before you go on a night out.

      Just in the same way that if you don't follow the instructions for nalmefene/naltrexone, it won't work. may as well take a vitamin pill.


  • Posted

    Hi Susan now long did you go without a drink after Easter Monday?
    • Posted

      Hi h1954.2 days. Then had Dentist appointment ( Don't like the Dentist ) On way home noticed new pub - thought I would take a look - excuse I know. But if it was a rubbish pub would not have bothered. May have gone to supermarket though instead.Will never know that. It was'nt my intention that afternoon to drink as I was still recovering.The 1 can of larger happened when I accidentally found them beginning of May.2nd can Sunday.I don't crave Alcohol at the moment even though we are discussing it.Strange how the cravings come and go.I WILL remember to take Campral 3 x 2 every day.I do not want Liver failure & a painfull death that's for sure.So I wil try harder with the help of Campral & my friends on this forum.
    • Posted

      Hi Susan, I joined the caht late but can see that it is a struggle to stay off drinking although you are trying to stay sober but it does not really work long term. Medication is probably your route but I have not experiece and Joanne and RHGB can give much better advice and I do wish you luck. I assume that you often think of what you are loosing when you are looking for that next drink?? Whatever you situation: great that you are HONEST and I wish you best of luck. Robin
  • Posted

    Hi Susan,

    It is a rocky, old road... but just keep on travelling to Total Sobriety !

    Ages back, I was prescribed Campral, I took 2 tablets ... 3 times a day.  They were to be taken every day. I linked them to mealtimes.

    All Good Wishes,

    Alonangel 🎇

  • Posted

    it sounds like you are doing okay, here and there. please consider help of somekind. breaking certain habits are almost too hard to do alone. i just wanted to connect with you for a moment...earlier you mentioned that your comments keep dissapering...mine too! and talk about frustration....i want to throw my laptop out the window. i dont know why this is happening. i always lose 1 or2 posts a day. sometimes 3! i figured that i must be doing something wrong, but reading how this happens to you, i was interested. this may not be the place to disscus matters like this, but i am wondering if this happens to anyone else. it is so discouraging to put your heart out there...and then suddenly lose the post. even before its completed. does anyone have any thoughts on this, or same expierience? thanks much for any help. i sure need it.
    • Posted

      hi, i do not loose my not quite is laptop or pc or ipad etc...?? wifi slow?? just wondering...Robin
    • Posted


      thank you so much for getting back to me.

      i feel so silly now! i gave the laptop to my boyfriend, and he says it needs to be cleaned. i was like,wha? so he cleans it with a q-tip and alcohol. and now everything is working back to normal. who knew? i thought it was haunted,haha     thanks again!

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