Alfuzosin (10mg) + Sildenafil (12.5 mg) after evening meal seems promising
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My nocturia was getting up to 4-5x nightly. Twice now it's back to 2x after taking the drugs mentioned in the title. Too early yet to report success, but I'm hoping.
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gene97713 doug04815
Alfuzosin is the best medicine for BPH so far. After PAE and using Alfuzosin, I don't get up at all between midnight and 6 am. The same during the day. It calms the bladder and relaxes the prostate capsule, relieving the median lobe pressure on the neck). Sildenafil helps to increase blood flow to all organs. Helps erections but didn't see much effect on frequency of nocturia. Sildenofil is not known to help BPH patients, vs. 5 mg daily Tadalafil , which does and is approved by most insurance companies and Medicare for BPH condition.
Good luck. Continue to experiment. 12.5 mg of sildenafil is not a lot. 20 mg will give a good erection.
Happy sleeping.
IP.S. I can go without any meds, but Alfuzosin is usually well tolerated by most and gives only slightly blurred vision and makes some a bit sleepy. Goes away with time and can be corrected with a cup of coffee. All these horrors stories about horrible meds and side effects are more of fiction or hypohondria, or "placebo effect". Most men tolerate Alfuzosin well. Some research papers claim that it help control ejacualtion and improves sexual performance, contrary to what many write on this forum.
I agree with this papers. On teh other hand, flomax and the earlier alpha-blockers definitely leads to RE.
doug04815 gene97713
I agree about alfuzosin. I haven't taken tamsulosin (Flomax), but the side effects seem potentially scary, including setting one up for interoperative flopply iris syndrome (IFIS) in case you ever need to have cataract surgery.
I don't have any tadalafil on hand, so I thought I would try the sildenafil, which I do have. My reasoning in that it would work via the same PDE-5 inhibitor mechanism -- however that works.
I also like the short half-life. I want it to kick in just at night, but not too much so I can get some sleep. So that's why I only take 12.5 mg on a full stomach at 7:00.
This article supports the combo therapy:
" Combination of alfuzosin and sildenafil is superior to monotherapy in treating lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile dysfunction."
I'll report back in a week or so to see if really does keep by nighttime voids to 2.
gene97713 doug04815
the paper is quite old ca. 2008. I start to use any of them after 2009,. in 2010 cialis was approved for BPH as more superior. I agree with the results of the paper;combination of both 9 i tried combination of all three of them Cialis 5mg), Viagra (15 mg) and Alfuzosin (10mg) gives the best effect of zero nocturia, and strong erections with normal orgasms and ejaculation. Worth trying. Tadalafil is currently generic and is covered by insurances for BPH.
doug04815 gene97713
I got an Rx for Cialis 5mg and started taking it along with the alfuzosin.My physician thinks it's a great combination for BPH and it's supported by research.
gene97713 doug04815
I used this combination for 10 years. It helped me for a while but it didn't preclude the prostate to grow to 125 g. I ended up with PAE which so far solved my problems. Meds help temporarily. It will happened to everybody eventually. Meds alleviate BPH problems but doesn't cure it.
doug04815 gene97713
Right. Maybe in another 10 years PAE will be the new gold standard. Or some genetic therapy will be invented that gets injected into the prostate that shrinks it.