all sorts of side effects

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both me and my partner are currently taking this medication and we have a few side effects we want to share with you. We are both 39 1 male 1 female.

im on 20mg 1 per day, after spending all my life being very underweight i have suddenly began to put on weight, mainly around the stomach area, ive put on 5kg so far, my partner has also put on weight in that are to the point she bought new clothes. I also experience numbness and tingling sensations down the left side of my face add together a bit a forgetfulness and a twitch to the eye lid. my partner has tingling sensations in her thigh..she doesnt mind those *typical*. we both feel the benefit from taking this medication but felt that it was better to share our current experience with i type this the left side of my face and lip is tingling.....and the left eye lid as its daily futter.

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6 Replies

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    I have been taking propranolol for about 2 years. I had my first ocular migraine shortly after that. Muscle spasms in my face, blurred vision, foggy feeling, trouble sleeping, biteing my tongue in my sleep. I've been to er, therapy, my Dr, and a neurologist rapidly trying to find out what was wrong. Finally my new Dr. At health department said she thought propranolol was the cause stop it and see how you feel. First couple days my eyes felt better, but then my bp spiked and had to start back. Now my eyes feel worse. Has anyone had same symptoms with propranolol?  
  • Posted

    I am a 27 year old male, and I've been on 20mg Propranolol twice daily for about 5 months now. I've also experienced weight gain in the stomach area, about 5 to 10 pounds total. I've also experienced some mild stomach pain mainly in the upper stomach area. Has anyone experienced stomach pain like this?
    • Posted

      Hi Dan, I started on Propranolol 20mg twice a day 11 days ago for migraine prevention.  So far it's not helping but Neurologist said it could take up to 3 months to fully kick in (Oh joy!) but like you I've had upper stomach pain, it started about 3 days in.  Wasn't sure if it was related to the Pro or not.  Did yours start soon after taking or after a period of time?  Have you mentioned it to your GP?
    • Posted

      Hi Sallafina. Thanks for your reply. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing stomach pain from it. I wasn't positive that the Propranolol was causing it either, but I have read a few places that it can cause upper stomach pain. My stomach pain does not feel like an upset stomach, rather just an annoying mild irritation/pain. Is yours the same? I think it started about a month or 2 after starting the medication. I did mention it to my GP. I'm seeing him again in January, so maybe I'll mention it to him again.
  • Posted

    I had to take this medication for my high heart rate due to hyperthyroidism.   Soon after my legs started to Balloon then they became so itchy that I would scratch them in my sleep till they bleed.  I had to stop taking but it has been over 7 months and they are still itchy.   One doctor said that most people experience a mild allergic reaction to this medication and don't even know it.  So I would talk to a doctor right away.  It lingers in your system so the sooner you find out the better.
    • Posted

      Hi Amanda, 

      I saw my GP this morning and we have agreed that I carry on with it for another week and see her again next Monday.  If my symptoms persist then she'll prescribe something else.  I've not had the itchyness or swellimg just stomach pain.

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