ALL the symptoms - and more. Help!
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Hi Everyone, I've been lurking here for a few weeks and whilst sorry so many of you feel as bad as I do, I'm getting such encouragement that I'm not alone. I started with dizziness/vertigo 18 months ago and since then have had every symptom of peri and extreme anxiety/panic (it's hard to tell the difference), often several in the same day. Oh, except hot flashes (yet)!! I'm shaky, off-balance, nauseous, certain I've got a brain tumour/cancer/MS etc but logically I know it's none of those... doesn't help though. Anyway, in the last couple of days, my hands and feet have got so cold and some of my fingers and toes feel 'odd' and crampy and as if they won't work. The muscles in my upper arms too feel stiff (and as if I'm cold inside?) and weak. Does anyone else recognise this? I know I'm hyper-sensitive to all pain/ache now but Iike so many of us, I feel I'm going mad. Suppose I just want some company and a big old virtual hug. THank you, all.
1 like, 18 replies
lelawreck annie-mae
I have been going for CB Therapy to rekindle my brain to think positive. This really helps. These thoughts can take control of you, and it is best to get it under control.
I too feel shaky, weak, tired general fatigue, dizziness and tinnitus. I too get cold feet and hands and have these odd feelings and cramps.
Also consider taking extra calcium and magnesium supplements. You can have these checked out as well.
We WILL get through this. Lots of hugs for you.
annie-mae lelawreck
Thank you so much, lelawreck! Having someone say 'I know' is so reassuring. I've had a couple of rounds of blood tests and all is okay but I definitely been thinking about magnesium (if only the darned anxiety didn't make me worry about every possible side effect!!) I'm interested you know how CBT works...?? Returning the hugs x
angie58226 annie-mae
Your so not alone!! Having all the exact same symptoms and crazy thoughts as well!! Don't buy into the thoughts! Magnesium at night really helps me! Omega's, Flaxseed Oil, B's, and Adrenal support during the day helps to keep me balanced! You've got this, we are all in this together. Keep it going and help in spreading the support! Women need to know that they are not losing their minds and that they are not alone.
annie-mae angie58226
Hi angie58226, thanks so much for replying! You're so right - there are millions of us yet so few people know anything about menopause! If we were prepared it might not be so scary and people wouldn't dismiss the horror with 'but you look fine' etc. Argh. I really will look into supplements now - it's knowing where to start but you've given me ideas x
juanita93228 annie-mae
Hugs to you annie-mae! I have always had the problem with cold feet and hands, but it got worse during menopause. I also suffer with health anxiety, thinking everything is some dread disease! I have the crampy feeling in my toes, but it's just the left foot, and my right shoulder feels like it's got a cramp in it. Don't worry we'll get through this! You are not alone! I work hard at trying to make myself feel better and enjoy life. But today people are getting on my nerves.
annie-mae juanita93228
Hi juanita93228, I hope people are being less annoying to you today!! Thank you for being kind enough to reply and reassuring me I'm not going to keel over immediately. Another day to get through- but we will! More hugs back x
Trevis annie-mae
Sending you big hugs annie-mae.....this is the place to vent and get support. I think I have had every symptom there is too.... I'm nearly through mine I think! Or I hope!! 😊 to be honest it's been a nightmare but there is light!!! Stay strong, listen to your body. You got to just go with it no matter how awful it will pass I promise. X(((💓
annie-mae Trevis
So glad you're finding the light, Travis! I want to be ME again too. Dare I ask how long it's taken you to get to this point...? X
Trevis annie-mae
I took my last period at 46 yrs old... I wasn't even aware I was in Peri...I am 55 now and have educated my self in everything to do with menopause. I had a career/ a job / confident in my ability to do anything I put my mind to. Menopause took it all away...barely able to function. An amazing husband and two teenage kids got me through with their support. I would say 8 years of misery 4 of which I couldn't get any doctor to hear me or want to.... I don't go to docs anymore never will. I did it by reading everything on menopause and basically found this group ! The ladies on here ...reading & listening to them & just them being there for ME has been amazing. I do my own thing now...i walk my dogs and do what I want to do. I miss work so much but it is what it is. I think menopause can be soul destroying if like me you are not prepared or have no knowledge on what is going to hit us. It needs to be recognised for what it is a total nightmare for some. and there should be help out there for us but it's just not. Thank you for getting back to stay strong & positive will get through it. Keep talking and sharing it helps others so much. 💓😊
dawn70425 Trevis
Hi there
Lovely to here you are comin through the menopause or through it already...
I agree with you, my doctor the same, they just don't really want to listen to me, it's like they saying get on with it, you will be fine, yet that don't understand how bad it can be for a number of us woman out there...
I can't take HRT so they just saying nothing we can do so get on with it...
I live in my own, I have two grown up daughters who have left home, and I don't bother saying any thing to them ...As hard to understand when your not going through this horrid thing..
I'm 53 and don't work now due to ill Heath problems, and now the menopause 😞But like you just being able to talk to people on this site and seeing I'm not a lone, and little hints to help me through is so good, but I do wish there was more understanding of the menopause with health care, as I watch tv and there's people on there's saying how fantastic they are feeling now they are on HRT and life is wonderful again....BUT what about the ones who can't take HRT ME for one, we've been forgot as it seems to me they all think every woman can take it, how about helping the ones that can't take HRT and find us some thing eles to take, to make our life a little easy....
I know I will come through this, when I don't know lol, but in the mean time hell is let lose in my body 😡..
It's so lovely to here people who have come through the menopause and had hell let lose, and is smiling again, and living a good life...
I wish you all the best in your life, and keep up the good work in visiting these sites, and telling your story, and just by giving us hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel .. take care
Dawn x🤗
Trevis dawn70425
Awww Dawn thank you so much for your kind message ?.... I agree with all you say... I think being in the UK & having to fight for even an x-ray!!! I listen to all those that are lu by to get MRI....Scans....gynea appointments etc....the only way you'll get an x-ray where I live is if you actually have an accident! Nothing is offered unless you beg!I tried HRT for 4 weeks many years ago & it made me feel horrendous my legs gave way and was told to stop immediately. It scared me so much I didn't want to try another. It was such an awful time.... now ...what am I left with? Well.. I still over heat....some anxiety & imbalance but I can cope with it because nothing ever comes from it so I tell my self to breath and just do it. I avoid busy places or anywhere too hot! SHOPS! But I now have good days where I can shop. Don't like fluorescent lighting it plays tricks with my eyes and can trigger anxiety which means I'm not in control & no one likes to not be in control. My kids are still at home but working so I have more time for me now which takes pressure off also. Was always doing for everyone else and not for me so I changed that for my own wellbeing. I am very lucky to have the support i still have as you say there are many who dont! If you need a friend you can message privately and FB .... Thank you so much and huge hugs to you...💖xx
laurie_11049 Trevis
dawn70425 Trevis
Thank you very much for your support on here, it's so nice to talk to some one about this, and I know what u mean with shopping lol, my daughter always wants me to go shopping with her, and I'm standing with embarrassment on my face as it begins to glow and sweat is running down my face, I feel so stupid, as it's Aurtum here, and I'm in a t-shirt and sandles and red hot, while other people look at me gone out, as they stand there with coats and hats on lol....
I'm ranting on again arnt I sorry, really lovely to here from you, and to chat to some one who understand what I'm going through.. thank you so much x🤗
Trevis laurie_11049
Thank you Laurie ?💖 here anytime you up for a chat. We can continue to support each other 😊 and sending out huge hugs lovely xx
dawn70425 annie-mae
Hi there
Great big hugs to you and every one on this site, going through the menopause, I tell you what I hope I don't come back as a woman again lol 😬
I'm like all of you and your symptoms, the feeling of being agitated are driving me in sane, more so at night as I try to relax my body just don't want to, or is it my mind who knows..
And yes me too google things to see if it's some thing eles that is wrong with me rather then it be the menopause, my mum died of motor naurion disease ( think that's how spelt lol) my brains not working right to, when she was 54... well I'm 53 now and yes I googled it in case my symptoms were that, silly yes i know but u just can't help your self can you lol.....
I know it's the menopause and have to except this, and there's not much I can do as I can't go on HRT due to blood clots on my lungs two years ago, so seems as I'm being told is to suck it and see how I go, I must admit it does my head in when watching tv and they are saying how good HRT is and you feel normal again, well dam it, I can't have it,so give me a break from it being thrown in my face all time...
it's nice to here from people on here on the same journey as me, just want to be me again, normal if there's such a thing lol, great to here any help or what I could even get to just help me through these stages of life..
All my love sent out to all you woman on here, or those fighting with them self over the dreaded menopause
annie-mae dawn70425
Hi Dawn, thanks for your words!! I feel for less alone. I absolutely understand your extra stress with MN disease after your mum...I'm constantly amazed how hormones play with our bodies and our minds. I'm with you sending strength to everyone x