All the symptoms of peri menopause but doctors say bloods are fine!
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Hi all just letting off steam!
I'm sick of this roller coaster ride I seem to be on I'm 41 and over the last 19 months I feel like a completely different person! I've had all tests imaginable and all come back clear which is great news but! I still get horrendous anxiety which I have tracked to when I'm ovulating and just after my period turns up! The nerves and tummy issuers around this time is awful. The night sweats have eased since I've been having acupuncture and I'm also taking magnesium, vit b 100's and zinc I eat healthy I've cut down on caffeine and alcohol I do Pilates and some meditation yet when the bad days are here it's hard to stay focused! My periods are mostly now every 23 days with a few 28 days thrown back into the mix all the symptoms of peri but as blood levels came back fine docs still say no! Advice please before I loose it completely.
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angieB48 Foxy_polly
Sounds familiar. I've had those issues on and off for about 2 years and my GP sees them as seperate things still and not part of any hormonal changes (I guess coz my blood tests are also in the normal range)! He's prescribed antidepressants which I've avoided, I've been down the homeopathy route and have just been to see a private specialist. They all have differing views and treatments but the solution is so individual that a one size fits all approach just doesn't work. I'm the same as you with the vitamins and supplements - I also take vit D and a 5htp supplement for my low moods which really helps. I've been having reflexology which also helps and now take a yoga class! I'd just like to be myself again but I do feel better than I did. I think you'll get lots of support from this site. I've only just joined but can see lots of similar stories and many ladies have come out the other side!
Foxy_polly angieB48
Thanks Angie I've been on antidepressants for 12 years now for anxiety since having my last child and up until 19 months ago it kept it at bay but now it's so different and no matter what I do the anxiety is there and not over anything in particular and it's always around ovulstand my period arriving or just a few days after it has arrived it drives me insane!
angieB48 Foxy_polly
Again very similar. I can relate to previous bouts of depression for no reason. If you read up on Professor John Studd he's the private guy I've just seen and he says women who had post natal depression, PMS, anxiety, heavy periods etc are all suffering from a hormonal imbalance and can treated with a combination of hormones. He's started me on some and whilst I could say that's why my mood is currently good I've also started 5htp, vitamin regime, change in diet and exercise etc so I don't yet know which is working! I can see lots of helpful replies coming in so hopefully you'll get some solutions!
sue976 Foxy_polly
Hi Foxy
i had my bloods done a year ago after having all the symptoms you mentioned, my doctor did tell me the bloods aren't very accurate in the early stages, she went on my symptoms and said I was most definitely peri, like you the bloods came back normal.
i suffered with horrendous anxiety and panic attacks, I thought it would never end, it was the health anxiety that was the worst, which all our symptoms just feed it, I took batch flower remedy all natural and that helped me lots, touch wood I have been ok with the anxiety for just over a year, I joined a gym and go to lots of classes and that as also helped, I think I just need to distract my mind.
you will feel better soon, your doing things right xx
Foxy_polly sue976
Thanks sue for me the anxiety is the worst and I've been on antidepressants for 12 years for it but it's not helping as much at the moment and to keep getting it every few weeks is tiring! I feel guilty for the effect it had on my husband and children xx
furryface Foxy_polly
Hope you are well. I have same symptoms and been experiencing this for two years now. GP kept saying I was not in the menopause as my periods were regular. In the past six months my period is now so heavy and comming every 14 to 17 days. I am anxious constantly at the least little thing GP prescribed propranolol 10mg which I only take when required ( week before my period OMG) I'm crazy daisy these tablets do help. I also take starflower oil capsules 1000mg plus evening primrose oil caps. My joints are aching and my memory is awful. I have just purchased the ladycare magnet for symptoms. I'm hoping this helps. I will let you know after a few weeks.
Lotti1966 Foxy_polly
I know I started Peri around 43. Blood tests never did show it. I had a hysterectomy at 49. Had all of the Peri symptoms for 6 years before that. Anxiety, flashes, night sweats, head buzzing, dizziness, mood swings, irregular periods etc...its not an exact science. You know when things are different with your body. Been in menopause now for 15 mths and have maybe 1 normal feeling day every 4-5 weeks. We will get through this together!
metamorphed Foxy_polly
hi foxypolly. I have had the exact same problems as you for 20 months now. all bloods and all other tests have all come back normal, yet I have felt so different with disturbing symptoms and they tried to give me antidepressants, because if the tests are normal, you must be an over anxious person in their opinion!! I am most certainly not, have never had health anxiety or issue with this before my periods changed completely. Oh yes, I've had anxious times over my life like most but not like it is now, and as you say, always mid way through cycle and before and during period. I still have these also, but shorter and longer, irregular. Like angieb48 says, I do too have much better days now although I would still like to be myself again also. I have tried it all, watch my diet and then blame this when I get shaky moments, overthinking what I could have eaten etc. It really is our messed up hormones, but the waiting game is painful at times. Just don't let doctors let you believe you are imagining it, they can be SO unhelpful. They would not stick it for a minute if they were experiencing the craziness of hormones themselves!!
susan43259 Foxy_polly
debbie17569 Foxy_polly
Oh wow, reading this might have explained a lot! Im 48 and suddenly got very anxious in November over a health scare which was absolutely fine. However, the anxiouness did not clear off! I couldnt get my head around it at all as ive not been like that before. Went back to the docs who put my on anti depressants. I had the most horrendous side effects going and suddenly everything became ok on Christmas Day and I had two absolutely normal weeks until my period hit and boom, off I went again!! Since then I had chest pain, shortness of breath, you name it. Went back to docs, she told me I had emphysema, that sent me straight into panic mode again, had tests for emphysema, all clear, but still anxious!
It is at its worst all morning but by evening i feel better, probably tired myself out by then! My eating is appalling, Ive lost 1.5 stone and have been told by the doctor I must eat just about anything to keep my blood sugar levels up. She has also increased my anti depressants today to see if that will work and has sent me for blood tests to see if I am peri menopausal. My periods are still fairly regular but this last one lasted two days at a normal rate and then went to what I would call spotting for the last two days.
I can deal with almost everything if it is peri menopause but the anxiety is a killer. Wish I knew how to sort that out!!
Foxy_polly debbie17569
Hi Debbie
God it sounds like your going through it a bit as well! Doctors tell me I'm too young at 41 to be peri menopausal but after reading on here there are lots of women my age going through the same thing! The anxiety for me is the worst thing and my antidepressants don't seem to keep it at bay! I hope all your tests give you some answers xxx
debbie17569 Foxy_polly
Hi there
The doc told me its definitely not unusual to start peri menopause in your early 40's. It is strange that we are all suffering the same symptoms and really for no apparent reason. What anti depressants are you on and what dose? im hoping an increase will help, cant get any worse!!! x
Foxy_polly debbie17569
Hi Debbie
I'm on escitalopram and have been for years about a year ago the docs decided to try different ones but they didn't do much either so I was put back on escitalopram 10mg but I've now reduced to 5mg as I'm going to try and come off them and manage it through acupuncture and alternative therapies as I want to try and give my body a break from them plus I hate all the side effects. What are you on and what dose? Xx
debbie17569 Foxy_polly
I'm on 20mg citalopram but have been given an increase to 30 today! Can't say I'm looking forward to taking more but I can't get much worse I hope! I've read on other sites that they can take months to really work. I think, I'm no doctor by the way, that the anxiety is a stronger emotion than depression. I've had post natal depression in the past and cit worked perfectly then. This time it's a nightmare! X
Foxy_polly debbie17569
Hi Debbie
I too had postnatal depression and my escitalopram worked perfectly too but not so much now either and yes the anxiety is far worse than depression! Have you tried acupuncture? I've had 5 sessions so far and it is definitely helping me relax more and the anxiety although still comes it's not quite as bad and I can deal with it better! How long have you been on the citalopram? Yes they take months to really work. Xx
debbie17569 Foxy_polly
I've not tried acupuncture as I'm not sure I like the idea of needles being stuck in me!!! Does it hurt?
i wake up with the anxiety and sometimes it goes very quickly and other times it's there all day, like today. I've just had to take a diazepam in order to eat as I'm starving but the thought of food makes me feel sick.
Ive been on it for 12 weeks, had two great weeks and that was that. I'm really in two. India about whether this is peri menopause or whether I'm just mad lol
never experienced anything like it, horrible experience! X
Foxy_polly debbie17569
Debbie, your not mad and 12 weeks is still early stages and also every time you increase you get more side effects and it takes a good 2-4 weeks for that dose to kick in as well!
No acupuncture doesn't hurt and I was like you I really didn't like the thought of needles being stuck in me but it honestly is amazing and there such fine needles! You need to find a good acupuncturist though! Mine was recommended to me by a few people and it's amazing what they can tell is going on in your body just by looking at your tounge and ears and taking your pulse it's totally mind blowing!
I think your anxiety is peri as like me it's different to anxiety I've experienced before and mine is the same always worse in the morning but sometimes last most of the day and I too have problems with eating when I'm anxious 😩 xx
debbie17569 Foxy_polly
Blooming awful isn't it?! I'm going to increase slowly as in 25 and then 30mg, see how it goes.
I will look into acupuncture, I'm presuming there is people that do that sort of thing where I live!
Yes same here, worse in the morning but mostly clears by the afternoon. It hasn't today though which is annoying but I am on my period and it was like that last month too. The nervy tummy is there every morning though, regardless of whether I'm on my period! Eating is a mare when I'm really bad.
Ive also stopped smoking as well! May as well go through hell all at once lol x