All these weird feelings since I turned 50.
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Hello. In January I turned fifty and my whole life changed. I have never felt this in my head and body . About a year ago I would wake up in the middle of the night with my heart racing . I attributed it to stress. In January when I turned fifty, I started to get Palpations and increased heart rate . My Blood pressure was a bit high even though i never had a BP issue . I saw my Pcp . They did all these cardiac workups which were all normal. She later prescribed a beta blocker to help with my heart rate and palpitations. I later started noticing i was getting ringing//fullness/pulsation in my left ear would also come with a weird vibration in my body . Sometimes I would think my Bp was high but it was been normal . In addition, I would feel as if my stomach/chest was vibration/pulsating . I would also get a pulling feeling in chest and stomach especially epigastric area . Because of all these feelings it is difficult to sleep . People tell you about common symptoms of peri/menoupause like hot flashes but never these symptoms . Because of these symptoms, i feel as if i am developing anxiety . Anxiety because i don't know what is the cause of all if this . I also saw my Ent who stated that I had a eustachian tube dysfunction however the ear symptoms should have gotten better already . I am now scheduled for an Mri of head focusing on my temporal bone to see if this is a middle ear issue . After reading some of the the comments on this site I am left wondering if hormonal changes can really cause all these feelings . I haven't reported any of this to my gynecologist as yet because I wanted to rule out ear issue first . Sometimes I feel like my family and friends may start to think I am crazy . I have never felt like this in my life and just want some relief from all these weird symptoms .
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alexandra15854 Reneehob
Do you have a constant ringing all day long? Or are these heart palpitations/surges accompanied with a short sudden ringing in one ear?
Reneehob alexandra15854
The ringing in the ear is constant . mostly to my left ear . The intensity of it comes and goes . Sometimes when it intensified and i feel the vibration/palpation in my chest and belly I check my pulse (thinking I'm having heart palpations )but it is ok .
mary27278 Reneehob
I know what you mean by vibration/palpitation in the chest and belly. Ive been having this for about 2 years now. Yes the pulse is always normal thinking its palp but heart rate usually normal. I have no idea what causes this. As soon as I wake up mine usually starts and tends to taper off in the evening. A few doctors say its anxiety or Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Reneehob mary27278
Thanks for sharing . Did u do anything for the questionable anxiety ie meds/relaxation techniques. I sometimes wonder if the stress from my ear problem is leading to anxiety manifesting itself via these vibration/pulling symptoms . I can't even visit a psychotherapist for evaluation secondary to the corona epidemic .
Gigi368 Reneehob
I could have written that myself! However I was born with heart issues but since meno hit they've gotten way worse. As for the ear, 5 yrs ago I thought it was allergies, my left ear felt really full and everything sounded like I was underwater, then the buzzing, ringing, whirring started. Went to my doc he said he couldn't find anything wrong, sent me to the ENT, he did a hearing test and I had lost all my low tone hearing, he sent me for an MRI and no bone or other issues, so that was that, he wanted to see me in a year, he repeated the hearing test. I went from low tone loss to high tone loss and regained the low tone. He said hes never seen that happen before. The ringing has never stopped, I learned to ignore it. I can't hear much of anything out of my left ear. I just turned 52, but had a hysto 2001 and kept my ovaries. I've mentioned all these symptoms to my PCP, Cardiologist, Gynecologist and Oncologist and they all poo poo my symptoms and try to find other reasons, which so far they haven't and bc of no periods I have zero clue where I'm at in this process and none of them will check my hormone levels, they say they're not accurate, but I'd love to have at least something to go by. So, in my opinion it is your hormones and my best advise is try not to stress over it as hard as that is. I suffer from an anxiety and panic disorder and on medication for it but menopause sure knows how to kick into overdrive..
Good Luck!
Reneehob Gigi368
Thank you for sharing your experience with me . I feel a bit better knowing that I am not going 'crazy'. Yes I'm trying to cope with my anxiety but sometimes it's very hard with the constant ringing in my ear . Sleep is hard as well because of all my symptoms . I am now looking into different anxiety coping mechanism.
Gigi368 Reneehob
For months I stuffed a cotton ball in my ear and for whatever reason that helped me. It also drains almost constantly. For my anxiety, which I've dealt with for over 30 yrs, I make myself busy, cleaning, playing a game, reading etc. Its tough bc mine manifests into extreme nausea, hot flashes (these are worse than meno hot flashes) visible tremors, dizziness, ocular migraines, shortness of breath and chest pains. As I mentioned I already have heart problems so of course waking up with what I know is meno palpitations and will subside after I get moving it kicks the anxiety into overdrive, it's a viscous cycle. I take paxil and xanax but it's not a cure, it helps though. A few things that help naturally with anxiety is grounding yourself, use your senses, 5 things you can see, touch, and hear. Deep even breaths, in thru your nose out thru your mouth. Also, what a lot of ppl don't know is caffeine, chocolate and red meat is not good for anxiety, cut back on those if you eat them. I also find counting silly things helps. I was never good at meditation lol my brain is all over the place and never shuts up which is why I try to do activities. For sleep and ringing ear try using white noise, like a fan, it's amazing that the whirring of the fan helps block it out. I sleep on my bad ear side since I cant hear out of it except the ringing. I hope that some of these suggestions help and it eases your anxiety.. hang in there!
Edell7329 Reneehob
i have had everything you have. i have had ringing in my ear for over a year. the vibration feelings come and go as do the palpations. i have had a host of other symptoms that have pretty much gone, thank the good Lord Jesus! Hang in there!
Reneehob Edell7329
Thank you . Hopefully this too shall pass
kelly55079 Reneehob
I turned 50 a few months ago and this isn't what I thought 50 would be. But I just wanted to share last year my spouse started to have a 'clogged' ear along with some headaches. He went to many doctors and ENT-- had a CT scan, MRI and a couple other tests. Nothing came up except some strange thing about the bone in the ear maybe. There is surgery BUT the doctor didn't recommend it until it became painful/uncomfortable. I see it more when he is stressed or doesn't sleep well.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks fir sharing
sunaina1983 Reneehob
All the symtoms you wrote mam i am experiencing in age of 38.
These all r perimenopause symptoms.
You r not alone mam.
You r not crazy..our Hormones become crazy at this stage.
Donot Worry
No Dr will relate all these thing..visited so many Dr and they did soo many test in oast 2 years...Thank God all came normal...No one tell me my symptoms r because of Peri....My Gyne told you r too young for peri...When i visit this posts ..i came to know all these r peri symptoms and not only me many other ladies r suffering with same...
Have lots of water
Take rest
Eat healthy food
Take rest
Sending you hugs
Reneehob sunaina1983
Thank you for Sunaina for sharing . I finally called my gyn this week regarding my symptoms and she kinda blew me off telling me that others haven't reported those symptoms . Yes I will take your advice .
klm1213 Reneehob
Don't be surprised that your doctor acted like that because they absolutely have no clue about perimenopause symptoms... mine did the same thing to me.