All who have pressure on brain

Posted , 2 users are following.

we need to list and compare variables, so we can figure out the cause for our dabilitating condition.  1. was on anti-depressnats b4 getting it. 2. my migraines started b4 it. 3. i have very low blood pressure. 4. i used to use "off" productts a lot. 5. i used to drink diet pepsi a lot. 6. i had to set off flea bombs at my old job.  will add more as i can think of stuff.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    i had a mirena IUD b4 it. I take prilosec.
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    i also used to take ephredra for my fatigue.
  • Posted

    I do not have anything in common with your activities. Let's see what might have caused mine...

    1. I stopped exercising about two weeks before and started again started again about a month later.

    2. I lost about 8 pounds before they got really bad.

    3. I had a few concussions on the years before but not right before they started.

    I will add more if I think of any. I don't drink soda, I am not on any other medications than the ones for the head stuff, but I do have some back problems.

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      i hit my head when i was 11 and i also have back problems.
  • Posted

    I am also gonna go get tests done for addisons, i had chickon pox so bad they thought it was gonna blind me and i have had a lot of the signs for long time
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      Oof that doesn't sound fun. Have you had any MRI tests?
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      i had one of my brain about 9 years ago but it was b4 pressure started. i'm going next week to get brain and spine done but i noticed a lot of the ppl here have also but it doesn't show anything.
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    I also had chicken pox as a child so bad the doctor thought for sure i would lose my sight, and at age 13 i had mononucleosis
  • Posted

    I have read up more on The Chiari malformations and I suggest looking into it. Most cases do not get diagnosed til adulthood and it has the symtoms a lot of us are having

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