Posted , 11 users are following.
Has anyone else got really bad allergies and sinus pain? x
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Posted , 11 users are following.
Has anyone else got really bad allergies and sinus pain? x
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sabrina1971 sharon03238
Yes! Just developed them this spring. Congested throat (made worse by thyroid issues), running nose, streaming eyes, sneezing, and feeling exhausted!
Sorry you have them too. It's a complete pain in the butt!
Kadija1966 sharon03238
When I started perimenopause I developed hives type of allergy. My skin was itchy and dry with bumps on my skin. It took 2years for it to settle.
claire38123 sharon03238
bless you i know how your feeling iv had this now for 3 months feel like a snotty school kid green snot every morn head pain face pain teeth hurt and dizzy head 24/7 sick of it and its go so worse with peri tried everything and nothing works so good luck and big hugs xx
Pamwhid sharon03238
yes, horrible, sinsuses are killing me, weird feeling in throat, and mucus. I always had allergies but not like this. the throat thing is the worst, and i feel like i have extra saliva. EVERYDAY it is a new symptom
kelly55079 sharon03238
Yes!!! And my doctor says it often gets worse with age... I have my own nasal spray now and use it often.
HopefulTrina sharon03238
Yes.. for about a week or so now. The sinus pain is HORRIBLE. I've taken flonase, a saline spray, sudafed and aleve. I just started Allegra today instead of zyrtec to see if it works better.
I'm about seven years into perimenopause and all of these symptoms are so weird. I often wonder could hormones cause ALL of this ? 🤔
hopeforever HopefulTrina
Did the allegra work
pinkcatfairy sharon03238
Yes at times constant watery eyes! Dry eyes and intolerance to light!
hopeforever sharon03238
Yes my sinus is the worse. Always stuffed up. head pressure and sinus pain. Weird feeling at times.
sabrina1971 sharon03238
Saw my doc about my allergies today. They prescribed Aller-C. I have hopes it will work!