Allergies/runny nose
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I have read many women s allergies and asthma becomes worse with hormonal changes. My nose has run clear now for years, no sneezing. Seems to stop at night and when I am asleep. My ears also feel like cotton is stuck in them. Doctor checks them and always says their fine. It's enoying! anyone else dealing with this?
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jennifer85442 michelle92591
teri76755 michelle92591
I have this too Michelle. I often feel like my ears are clogged and a have a runny nose almost constantly. It doesn't bother me at night though, the way it would with a cold or allergies. I hadn't realized that until you mentioned it. I've gone to the minute clinic twice to have my ears checked, convinced I had an ear infection. All clear both times. My anxiety level has soared in meno and I suspect the ear thing is related to jaw tension and pain that I have frequently. I clench my jaw a lot apparently. TMJ stretches help. I feel like I blame everything on meno and hormones, but all of these things can't be coincidental!
monique_93857 michelle92591
You are not alone in this one I've been suffering with that for years now stuffy nose runny nose ears are horrible half the time I can't even breathe through my nose especially when it's really hot outside for some reason at night time it gets so dry stuffed like I cannot breathe through my nose it's horrible but it did start when I started menopause I even have the dry eyes and everything else to go along with it
Louise4586 michelle92591
I think I may of had this. Starting to realise that a lot of my troubles over the last 2 years are Peri. I have had a runny nose - just one side for ages. Funny that has now gone. I also lost my sense of taste and smell - both now back, developed phantom smells which is also pretty much gone.
I have weird ears for about 6 months - felt like I needed to pop them constantly. Was sure I had an ear problem and that caused my dizziness. Ears are now ok
I now have a weird one - smelly urine. Read that this can be Peri related. So strange.
Wish my dizziness and anxiety would do away