Almost 1 year into peri and this happens again!
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Ok so back at the end of June 2016 I started having what I now know as perimenopause. In Dec 2016 I was put on BC to help with certain issues from peri... It took a few months with each month gettng better to finally feel almost like my old self. Well now this month, for the 1st time in 8+months I got leg cramps, tingling, a little depressed, crying/sobbing (once), etc. Its like all the beg symptoms I had almost a year ago started to come back just not as strong. I also have not had my period in 3 months and dont know if that is causing some of this or not. All these symptoms this month started just right after my cycle (if I had one this month). I was hoping that maybe I am coming out of peri the way I went in almost a year but am starting to think that is just wishful thinking. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
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Cass63 amy602
Welcome to the menopause roller coaster, the ride of a woman's lifetime! 😊
I have been on this crazy ride almost 9 years and right when I think just maybe things are going to settle down I will get slapped with an old familiar symptom. I started journaling years ago to try and help me cope when the symptoms return. I can look back in the journal and realize that I have been through this before and survived, surely I can pull through again. I pray a lot, that is what sustains me. 🙏🏻
amy602 Cass63
Thanks for the welcome.. I was hoping that I was off the adult rollercoaster and on the kiddie ones now LOL... I like the journal idea, I think Im going to start that. At least I can see when were the good times & the bad etc. I pray everynight and it def helps. I really believe that god only gives us what he knows we can handle. I also think about all the woman "back in the day" that had no other choices and went threw it naturally and had no clue of what was going on.
God Bless you for going threw this the past 9 years. Are you taking anything or going threw it the natural way?
Cass63 amy602
amy602 Cass63
Thanks. Don't have that issue yet. Lol.