Almost 8 weeks Sertraline no improvement

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Been on sertraline 50mg for almost 8 Weeks now zero appetite no motivation just blah still anxious not quite as bad but still there want my life back.

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lee, I would be inclined to speak to ur gp about perhaps increasing! ive been on 50mg for just over 4 weeks but last monday i increased it by 12.5mg so taking 62.5mg in the morning. And after a bit of a tough week (i stupidly drank too much last sunday) i have started to feel glimmers of hope!! You have to keep reminding yourself that you wont be like this forever! YOU WILL GET BETTER!! Unfortunately it takes bloody time! Im serioulsy considering upping another 12.5mg this coming week to give me that extra kick up the ass that i need!! Keep going!

    • Posted

      Thanks for reply i had a few to drink last week myself doesnt agree with this med i dont think?Christmas coming up dont want to be miserable!

    • Posted

      No alcohol and sertraline do not mix!......We've learnt the hard way!

      Ive read many a time that drinking excessively whilst starting out on it can counteract the meds! I was at my wits end last week. Ive just been and bought a bottle of 'Nosecco' from asda! Thatll have to do for now. NEVER want to feel like that after drinking again! How are you feeling now? Do you try and get out during the day? I found it helped massively, even though i didnt feel like it!

    • Posted

      HI yeah i have my 7 year old daughter on saturdays she keeps me busy!Ate a lot more yesterday,Just been to the gym so all in all not a bad wknd compared to how ive been by no means feel good but better as things were a lot worse.Hope u get where u need to be the replies keep u going.

  • Posted

    took me 12 weeks to notice a difference on 50mg then felt much better for 6 months then upped to 100mg still have a few bad days but mostly ok

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      I dont want to increase over christmas really if i get the awful side effects again do think will stay on 50 until 12 Weeks maybe and hope for best?Thanks for reply

  • Posted

    I wouldn't recommend increasing it just yet it's still early days even tho it doesn't feel that way . My opinion is to stick with the dose you are on and try and do exercise short walks helped me . I have been through what you are and it seems like it will never go away or ease but trust me it will just let the meds do their thing and be patient . By xmas you will feel better than you do now for sure .

    • Posted

      Thanks pal i bloody hope so to be honest not felt as bad this weekend i do think the drink knocked me back a bit!

  • Posted

    A lot of people seem to say can take up to 3 months to really improve. I'm just over 3 weeks not really improving much yet. It's really hard I know when people keep saying it takes time. Previously I was on citalopram for 8 weeks had to stop them as made my hair fall out the side effects seemed lot worse on them, all the meds seem to affect people differently. I don't drink anyway so least that not a problem!

    • Posted

      If your having horrible side effects they should calm a little from now on they did for me hopefully they will for you.

  • Posted

    Anxiety not good but seems case gets worse before gets better at first. Sertraline better than Citalopram felt very nauseous on that and the hair falling out was awful. How you doing now?

    • Posted

      Feeling bit better today to be honest hopefully gave a good week?

  • Posted

    Anxiety not good but seems case gets worse before gets better at first. Sertraline better than Citalopram felt very nauseous on that and the hair falling out was awful. How you doing now?

  • Posted

    So glad to see this positive discussion as I am on 50mg sertraline for 8 weeks and 3 days now. I had 4 good days in a row a few days back but feel like I'm going backwards again with stomach/muscle tension and extreme anxiety along with very low mood. Is there still hope for me yet? Does sertraline also work for depression along with anxiety? I'm trying not to give up hope at this point. My doc suggested an increase to 75mg but I told here I'd like to stay at 50 for another 4-6 weeks as I am not feeling confident enough with 50 yet and feel that it could only increase my side effects. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    • Posted

      One more quick thing: There are times, like yesterday and most of last week that my anxiety has been so bad that I can barely think straight along with very low mood and disturbing thoughts. Please tell me there's hope that things will get better for me.

    • Posted

      Hi! I have just finished my 5th week and feel so depressed 😦 Trying to look for some hope here. Has it gotten any better for you in the last few days please? How is your mood and anxiety now?

      Thanks very much,

      Kind Regards


    • Posted

      I'm into week 10 now and starting to notice "gradual" but steadier improvements. It's just a matter of waiting it out. Stay strong and hang in there! Like John said above, and from what everything I've learned, it can take between 12-16 weeks or so to fully level out in your system. You should start to see some better days here and there very shortly before it should very gradually start to notice steadier improvements. Hang in there...hope is on the way for you!

    • Posted

      Thanks very much Groc! I feel better after a I read your comment 😃 Its been a bad day and when I am having a bad day I normally forget all the good ones and start to panic I wont be normal never again making myself feeling even worse. I know it sounds stupid, but that is what happening to me right now..

      Did you have low mood before you started taking the medication or it came as a side effect for you?

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