Alone in America
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I've been reading these discussions for 2 months now and am so happy that i found this website. I felt really alone after being diagnosed with something that no one had ever heard of , near me. I was diagnosed with bronch after finally have ct scan done. I had been sick for 3 months. My GP had said to me a few times that she was just trying to keep me out of the hospital. I had been on tons of steroids and antibiotics before CTdiagnosis.
Went to a pulmonologist in Feb and she told me that i had bronch and asthma. She has me on nasal, oral, and eye allergy medicines and a steroid inhaler. She told me to come back in 6 months and don't panic when I go online to read about this disease that i have. I did panic.
She didn't tell me how severe it was. I still cough alot. Sometimes I get super tired. AND now I feel like I have a new cold, which is a little scary.
I am a nursery school teacher and i love my little students but realize I shouldn't go back to it next year, because they are always coming in literally oozing germs. Which I'm pretty sad about.
Anyway, I have always struggled with my sinuses and CF was never brought up. No sputum tests. I did have a routine blood test , maybe that checked for CF?
I have had numerous cases of bronchitis, lung infections, and she thinks whooping cough. So that part makes sense.
From reading your discussions it seems like I should have been told more. What to do now that I'm getting sick again. I don't think even the specialists know alot about bronch here in the states.
I also have those lung nodes butnot even thinking about them.
Also If you have Bronch do you automatically have asthma?
FYI, I'm 53 am pretty fit. Like many of you, people always say I look good even when I don't feel well.
Thanks for reading this!
4 likes, 51 replies
lesley05714 murphs
5 carrots (1lb weight)
1 green apple
1 stick celery
1 raw beetroot
piece of tumeric,
piece of ginger
wash everything and juice...I have a glass with my husband every morning, you can adjust the amount of ginger for a flavour that you prefer.
murphs lesley05714
Do you use probiotics? I'm thinking about taking those also.
Thanks , Wendy
lesley05714 murphs
I am thinking the juice may help to reduce the inflamation in my lungs, and it builds up the immune system. (also great for fighting cancer). You are right, a blender is different than a juicer...juicers are made for the job, but get a good one as you get what you pay for, as always.
charles60050 murphs
I can remember going potatoe picking with my mum when a child in the 50's and in the fields we were unable to wash our hands before eating our sandwiches sat next to the potato sacks.The only bacteria you need worry too much is the bowel bugs which cause all the problems in wounds and bladder and food poisoning.
Good luck Murphs.
murphs charles60050
Every year I've been getting sicker for longer periods of time. Now that I have been diagnosed w Bronch I know why it takes me so long to get better. This year I was out for 3 months. I've been back for a month and now have another lung infection. I feel afraid sometimes.
I'm going to finish out the year and then really focus on my oil paintings. That's got to be bad too, but I keep room well ventilated. I play the piano, and love to garden. I will try to keep busy. Maybe get another job.
Thank you for your insight Charles, you're right. I'm just afraid.
mizsuzyq murphs
You have got to get in touch with either National Jewish Hospital in Denver, CO. or Beth Isreal on east coast. Also, the Cleveland Clinic. These places have wonderful doctors that deal with our folks like us on a daily basis. They come from all over the world to these two places. have your doctor refer you to one of them. If you go to National Jewish, it will be a least a ten day stay and they will put you through all sorts of tests like you can not imagine. They have classes you can take to learn how to deal with this and how to destress. Stress is a bad boy for us. Pleae contact them ASAP.
murphs mizsuzyq
I'm a train-ride away from Beth Isreal. That's really good to know. I have mild bronch in both lungs, it'd be great to keep it mild. I will definitey ask my pulmonary doc in August. I'll check it out , thanks!
mizsuzyq murphs
Just checking in to see how you are doing. Have you talked to your doctor about Beth Isreal? Have you gotten any of the breathing devices to help you clean your lungs. Also, once in awhile when I get so tired of coughing up this stuff, I finally have my doc go ahead and do a bronch scope and he washing it out and I can breath easier for a bout 4-5 weeks, still cough, but breathing is better.
Take care and let us know how you are doing.
murphs mizsuzyq
I've been feeling pretty good, thanks for asking. I went to regular doc 2 weeks ago. She said that hot showers would help loosen mucus and didn't seem to know much about breathing devices. She also said maybe use cough syrup with expectorant.
She gave me prescription for Azithromycin to have on hand if I need it, also have to go back for ttap? and pnuemonia vaccine.
Someone on our chat said that you can purchase a fluttervalve on amazon. Should I use flutter valve everyday, even on a normal day?
I'm going to specialist in August for recheck and will ask her about beth
israel. I feel well now and take naps. Hired a lawn crew to mow my lawn but will still do all the gardening. Finishing out my school year. Still painting , but with windows open.
Take care and Good Luck to you.
mizsuzyq murphs
murphs mizsuzyq
Some days I feel great and then other days I feel so exhausted. Really exhausted, even though I'm not having a flare up. Is that how it is for you?
mizsuzyq murphs
Yes, you will feel tired even without the flareups. One of the problems is that our oxygen level is lower at times. You might consider picking up one of those finger oxygen levels they use in hospitals from Walgreens or some other pharmacy, relatively inexpensive. Our oxygen level should never get below 90. However, we probably will never have 100 percent either, even healty folks do not read 100. Probably somewhere around 93-97 percent is very good for us. Also, lack of sleep due to coughing will make you feel tired and when we get run down, we open up the doors for flareups, so it's important to rest when you can. Also, very important to keep your activity up so our lungs do get worked. Swimming is very good for us. Oh, if you purchase the acapella device, green is for adults. I am supposed to use 2x daily. It's very important to be shown how to use correctly so your lungs get the full beneifit. Below is how I use it, but you should be able to see a video on this online out there somewhere. They showed me how to use it correcly when I was at National Jewish Hospital in Denver, CO. When I was there, they had folks coming in from all parts of the world.
The thee little bumps is the feet and consider tha the bottom, always keep them down like they are standing on the floor.
1. Inhale deeply and hold for count of 3 then
2. Exhale all air out of lungs slowly throught the device
Do the above ten times (you can feel the vibration and it will be hard to keep from coughing)
After the tenth time, huff three times and then you will probably cough.
National Jewish had me do this in sitting position, lying on each side and back with a little elevation.
Let me mention that you don't want to cough really, really hard because this can damage the bronch and treacheo, which in my case did lead to another issue: Tracheobronchomalacia or TBM.
You do not want to develope this condition because then it's really, really hard to expel the mucus, which can cause bacteria and mucus plugs down there and will have to be scoped out. It's a mess!
This is for everyone out there: One of the doctors from The Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, USA, had me purchas "The Vest" In my case this had really helped keeping my mucus loose.
Well, I've rattled on enough for now. Take care and let us know your progress.
petered murphs
murphs petered
Stay well.
charles60050 murphs