alteratives for lowering blood pressure
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I have just started taking omega 3, 4000mg a day as recommended for high blood pressure.I have been taking magnesium ect.and am now on no prescription drugs.Im really just asking for feedback At the end of the day if i took everything that is recommended i would be im just trying different supplements in the hope that i will find a combination that works for me.
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jane243 nellybear
Have you been on prescription drugs up to now? What was your BP when diagnosed with hypertension and how did you manage to persuade the medics with all their scaremongering and dire warnings that you weren't going to follow their advice?
I'm just wondering as I'd really like to do the same thing as you as I just hate taking their drugs even though at my age I no longer pay for them and don't even have side effects -just on Losartan 50mg - . Considering starting taking magnesium. Would be very interested to hear your comments.
lily65668 jane243
Jane, why do you need to persuade your doctor that you're not going to follow their advice? It's your body. Tell your doctor firmly but politely that you're going to try other methods before going on to medication.
I realise this might be a problem under the UK system, where a GP can bump you off their list and you can be left without a doctor. If you're worried about that, why not smile sweetly, take the prescription, but not fill it?
That's what I did when my BP went up to 150/90 in my mid-50s. My GP immediately prescribed a calcium channel blocker. I didn't want to take it, so asked her about mgnesium, which I'd heard was good for mildly raised BP. She was horrified, said it would never work, would have dangerous side-effects (like CCBs don't!) and I was putting my health at risk. I never filled the prescription, put myself on mgnesium anyway, and six months later my BP was down to 120/80. When I told my doctor how I'd done it, she was meek as a lamb, just said OK, and never raised an objection again!
My BP stayed at a steady 120/80 for the next 15 years. It's only now, in my early 70s, that I have isolated systolic hypertension. That's the one where the systolic goes up (though rarely above 140 in my case) and the diastolic goes down well below normal. Many experts think this is as dangerous as overall raised BP.
I have a different GP now, after a house move 3 years ago, and he's amazingly open to dialogue. He says he trusts me to try anything I like, but asks me to take my BP regularly at home and chart the readings, annotated with any supplements or lifestyle measures I'm trying. I have to see him every four months anyway for an autoimmune condition I suffer from, so we look at my chart together at each visit and discuss our options.
Your doctor is your adviser, not your slave-master!
seangreen420 lily65668
which salt of magnesium are you taking? Brand and sources, please?
lily65668 seangreen420
Yes Sean, you're quite right. The oxide is the least bioavailable form.
However it's not true to say it doesn't get absorbed at all. I've always taken it in the oxide form, except for one period where I couldn't get to the UK to pick up my usual stock, and had to buy some locally. They only had it in the citrate form, which is said to be more bioavailable, so I took that. Unfortunately, it proved to be a severe gastric irritant in my case, and I had to stop after a week or so.
I believe the glycinate is the gold standard, but I've never come across it myself.
lily65668 nellybear
Hi Nellybear,
Glad to hear you're doing well without medications!
Mgnesium works reasonably well for me. I upped my dose (of the oxide) from 375mg to 562.5mg six months ago and it seems to have brought about a small improvement. However, I'm just about at the limit now. I suspect that if I increased it any further I'd start getting diarrhoea!
In the last couple of months I've added in a tiny amount every day (only about 15g) of 99% cocoa chocolate, as well as upping my cardio exercise a bit. I'm not sure which is doing it, but I've now had a further small, but significant, reduction. This kind of chocolate is expensive, but it tastes foul - no sugar - so there's no temptation to eat a lot of it!
The cardio exercise I do (in addition to a lot of movements to retain suppleness and core strength, plus brisk walking) is a variant of one suggested by a doctor on a BBC TV programme. It involves short bursts of vigorous aerobic activity followed by short rests. I simply run vigorously on the spot, at home, on a cushioned mat, for 40 secs, followed by 20 secs' rest. I do this 8 times in succession twice a day, with one day off per week. The aim was to burn off belly fat, which it's said to be very good for, but I have to say I can't see that happening yet, as my waist is still a steady 87cm/34in
. The improvement in BP was an unexpected bonus!
Are you sure that dose of 4g of omega 3 is OK? I'm no expert, but most sources seem to recommend a max of 3g per day. I've been on the standard 525mg for about 35 years now, but having heard from you that it seems to reduce BP, I'm going to double it from now on!
nellybear lily65668
for me that high dose was a mistake,started getting tummy cramps and feeling woozy.have cut right back to the 1000mg one capsule a day and see how i go. my top figure is still a bit high im averaging 150 .but i try not to get anxious as this pushes it up.I just feel so much happier without prescription drugs and this must have a knock on effect on my overall health
tony_92886 nellybear
I had high Bloodpreashure 152/92 it's know 110/69 here's what I did lost 2 and half stone ,started eating fish at least 3 times a week lots off fruite and veg at least 4 pints off water a day ,cider vinger horthorn,garlic ,and flax seed ,fish oil ,walk everyday ,I am a 52 year old male all I can tell you is this works I am still 13 stone six trying two get another stone off then I can cut the supplements down oh I tack q10 100mg every day
lily65668 tony_92886
Hi Tony - well done! I tried Q10 too last year. It did bring my BP down but gave me absolutely catastrophic diarrhoea, so unfortunately I had to stop. However, I gather this is an unusual side-effect, so people shouldn't be put off.