Alternative to Climagest 2mg?
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Hi there, hope someone can help as my doctors are unfortunately useless!
Quick history; Preimenopause from 2012 (hot flushes, night sweats, aching joints, brain fog, tired etc). Tried Fluoexetine for 18 months to combat night sweats, when that stopped working I started Climagest 1mg, when that stopped working after about a year it was increased to Climagest 2mg which has worked fine for over a year now.
I went to collect my prescription on Friday last week (Climagest 2mg) and the pharmacist informed me that Climagest is no longer available - he had been in touch with my docs for an alternative but hadn't heard back. I had an appointment yesterday anyway as I have had a pain in my left breast (no lumps) that I wanted to get check out. She said she would consult another doctor about which hrt to switch to. I had a call this morning to say they still hadn't sorted it out. I am down to my last tablet tonight, so I need to pick up a prescription tomorrow.
I have been trying to research it myself, I have come across the other types of HRT that are available (continuous combined HRT for no bleeds) and Tibolone. These are both for post menopause (no bleeds for a year). But as I am on a sequential HRT, that means I get a bleed every month whether I want one or not. So when will I be considered postmenopause? Do I just get a blood test or do I need to stop the HRT and see if I bleed? These are questions my doctor couldn't answer yesterday as she knew nothing about HRT. My regular doctor is on maternal leave and the 12 year old replacement is lovely, but clueless.
If it is a faff to change from a sequential to a continuous combined or tibolone, what are the alternatives to climagest? My husband informs me that I have become very angry whilst on climagest LOL so I thought it might be time for a switch?
ANY help or advice would be much appreciated and then I will ring the doctors and do battle with my findings!
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Jokey mel00939
Hi, Mel could I ask your age? And yes I agree doc's are absolutely useless Even
the female ones 😕
mel00939 Jokey
Hi Jokey
I am 45. My regular doctor is a star, the one I got yesterday was utterly clueless about menopause.
Jokey mel00939
Hi, Mel, I would think you would still be getting a regular period at
45 even though you are peri-menopausal. I was at your age and it
went on untill I was 53. Having said that of course every woman is
different and I know nothing about HRT as I have high blood
pressure and can't have it. Don't suppose that helps you, I expect
You would have to come off it to find out.
Just out of interest, do you know if you go on HRT after your
period has stopped, does it start again? Always been curious about
Hope you get the answers you nee from Doc. Good luck??
bobbysgirl mel00939
Please love, do yourself a favour and come off HRT. Give your body a break.
How's your diet, and are you taking supplements?
I found Sage leaf to be good for hot flushes and night sweats - reduced by about 80%. Magnesium helps with aching joints and muscles - a large number of folks in the West are deficient in Magnesium and it is very important for all sorts of things.
Vit D is important to - it is actually a hormone - bet your muppet doctor doesn't know that. In all the years they study medicine the average doc spends a few hours studying nutrition.
I'm getting really fed-up with the whole dxxn lot of them (you may have noticed
looloo43 mel00939
Pyro mel00939