Always COLD then takes hours to warm up?
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Hi all, I know this isn't the right sight for this question and to be honest I wouldn't know which site to go onto?!!.
here goes: I'm concerned about mt partner he is 38 quite big built and works outdoors, anyway he sits in the house with a hat and his jacket on saying he's cold?. We're living in a new build and the house isn't cold it's lovely and cosy, no one else in the house is cold just him!. I have tried googling this and come to a dead end?!!. Has anyone got any inclination as to what is up with him? It has to be somthing. Even now as I'm writing this he's on his computer yep with a hat and coat on? I'm sitting here with jeans and a t-shirt on no it's not cold it's lovely any ideas please?. It's bugging me this is?!!. Thanks ladies!!.
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cazjaz16 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 cazjaz16
cazjaz16 Shelly0069
dawn57104 Shelly0069
I would get him to see his GP and explain what is going on, as you said something isnt right for him to be cold all the time.
Could be a vitamin deficiency B12 maybe, - Found this might help:
When the body is deficient in vitamin B12, a condition known as pernicious anemia, it can't make healthy red blood cells that are needed to carry oxygen throughout your body, and the result is coldness in your hands and feet and a general intolerance to cold temperatures.
Hope this makes sense might be work a try?
susan21149 Shelly0069
this is how i feel at times cold shivery have you had your iron checked out or your thyroid you should have it checked out
cazjaz16 susan21149
monique_93857 Shelly0069
my sister is going through this but she has a fatty liver which causes he to be cold all the time her liver is not fuctioning proper or filtering in the right way or maybe he has low blood count it can be a number of things maybe he should go get checked out blood test perhaps good luck
susan21149 monique_93857
debbie03785 Shelly0069
RhondaS Shelly0069
dawn57104 Shelly0069
Good Luck
Shelly0069 dawn57104
dawn57104 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 dawn57104
dawn57104 Shelly0069
really i have Asthma, Hayfever, a bad back work 9 hours a day go home do all the housework, cooking etc and still dont moan...