Always feel sick
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For many many years of my life I always have sore stomachs and nausea. I have been diagnosed with anxiety and emetophobia (fear of throwing up) and my stomach problems are always just blamed on anxiety. I have them all the time though and it's just exhausting and worrying. I always wake up feeling sick and just feel sick or get sore stomachs every single day, even when I'm not feeling anxious. I struggle to get to sleep at night usually until after 12pm due to feeling sick. The feelings range from bloating to nausea to aches or a full feeling. I still eat quite a lot but sometimes I don't feel like eating because I feel sick (but usually I still do)
I also have bleeding when I go to the bathroom, I went to my doctor about this and they gave me an ointment, it did work when I took it, like usually there was no blood but once I stopped taking it (I took it for like a week, you're not meant to take it for more than 4 weeks) it just started again. I always feel tired because I struggle to sleep, and I always struggle to concentrate at school. I'm always so stressed because I want to get things done but I'm too tired and exhausted. I also get body aches and pains in my arms and such.
I've gone to the hospital for a prolactinoma (benign head tumour) and have had lots and lots of blood tests and even an MRI on my head. I'm just scared maybe I have stomach cancer or something and they haven't diagnosed it yet. I've gone to the doctor so many times for sore stomachs/anxiety/etc,,, and have had lots of blood tests but nothing has come up and no-one has offered any solution except to take omeprazole for my reflux-like feelings but my family said I didn't need to take it because I was 'too young' to have reflux. I just don't know what to do, I want to try and work on my anxiety but it's so hard when I feel nauseous and sore 24/7 and am always tired Any suggestions or help??
Thank you
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Shellie6810 Fluffyscout
I can totally relate to you. I have had anxiety, stomach problems, and emetophobia since I was a kid. I feel sick daily. I get a stomachache almost every time I eat and then I get anxious. I'm also tired all the time. I don't have bleeding or body aches though. I have also had blood tests, ct scans, colonoscopies etc. All they tell me is that I have ibs. I'm always thinking I have cancer or a tumor, but my doctor doesn't think so. I'm tired of feeling sick all the time, and I'm not sure what to do. I'm sorry I'm no help, but just know that you're not alone.
paul75665 Fluffyscout
Someone told me I should get a food intolerance test done, so I did and a couple of days ago I got my results. It seems I am intolerant fo 17 different food items and 3 non food items, 3 of which are milk, coffee and chocolate. I’ve been consuming these on a daily basis not contemplating I had an intolerance to them. I stopped consuming these immediately upon getting my test results and I have to say I’m already feeling better, I’m still not 100% but have been told to eliminate my trouble foods for at least 2 weeks before I’ll see full benefits. For months prior to these test results I felt so ill, and had so much abdominal discomfort, I’ve hardly been able to do anything, yesterday I felt like a different person, running about the house, in the garden, joking with the family, I even drove my sisters new car to try it out. It may not sound much, but these are things I’ve not been able to do months.
Obviously I still need to give it time, I could just be in between flare ups and having a remission period, but there was nothing to suggest I was going into remission, and the improvements happened the day after stopping my problem foods, coincidence or not? Only time will tell.
Just thought I’d share this with you, perhaps do the test and see what happens, it’s not that expensive, and certainly nothing if it gives you relief from your symptoms, what have you got to loose! All the best.
pippa58442 Fluffyscout
jello11529 Fluffyscout
Hey FLUffyscout...Sorry you have to go through all this in your life's best years....Well few things I want to suggest with my experience,
1. You should watch what you are eating....every person is different, So be mindful what are you eating, and observe the feeling after eating the food...if you feel energize after eating then that food suits your body...If you feel dull after eating particular food...u can avoid that, as your body doesn't like that....
2. WEre you using lot of anti emetics like domperidone for nausea before u got diagnosed with prolactinoma? As too much of those can increase your prolactin levels..
3. Anxiety can cause number of issues which we can't even imagine...And brain and gut is related with each other...What you need to focus is to reduce your anxiety by exercise( which increase mood elevating hormones)..Good nutritious food for your body and yoga and meditation ( Meditation has helped me to tackle any situaton calmly, and helped me reduce my anxiety) and if that is too much then you can take some anxieolytics prescribed by your GP.
4. Take care of your body's vitamins and electrolytes levels...IN growing age we need those to make the hormones and so to control our body's homeostasis.
nat6288 Fluffyscout
Hi! I've been diagnosed with IBS, leaky gut, and non ulcer dyspepsia, and I also have anxiety because of all of my symptoms. I know how you feel too since I have had emetophobia since I was in 1st grade! It's awful. I was wondering if you had any more tests done such as an ultrasound, endoscopy, colonoscopy? I've had all of these and they did not find anything wrong besides some inflammation which caused my reflux symptoms. These tests helped put my mind at ease that something life threatening wasn't happening to me. I also saw a nutritionist who put me on a low fodmap diet and different strains of probiotics that have helped a great deal. With the anxiety, I know the more I distract myself and practice deep breathing, the better I feel.
Good luck and I hope you feel better!! You're definitely not alone in how you feel!