Always feeling weary and headachy

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Hello ladies . I am 49 and still having regular periods , roughly every 24 days or so . I have been on this rollercoaster of a Peri ride for about 20 months , I think bought on by the death of my mum . I've heard that a drama in your life can bring on the symptoms from almost nowhere . It has been a really terrible time for me and I'm sure that I had a complete mental breakdown . The thing is I have had most of the peri symptoms over that time , but now I seem to be left with the sometimes nervous , unsettled stomach , anxiety , migraines and general daily headaches . Also I find that sometimes I have insomnia and then other nights sleep really well but have very vivid dreams . The past few nights I have woken up really sweating ( sorry tmi ) , but then come on this morning , so I guess that's hormones . The thing that gets me are the headaches and feeling weary . Sorry for rambling , but is this all normal ?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jane. Sorry for the loss of your Mum, it sounds like peri meno to me on top of which you have the bereavement to deal with. Have you had any help from your doctor or counselling? I would certainly recommend it. I am 15 mths into menopause now and still struggling with anxiety and palpitations. Im on medication which is helping but so far isnt a 100% fix. It has been a tough year and I can't imagine how much worse it would be with a bereavent too. I am having CBT for the anxiety and finding it helpful in tackling the negative thinking. You dh

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    Sorry Jane, you should be able to self refer for talk therapy on the NHS, just ask your doctor. All the best X
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    I did go to Cbt sessions , but that didn't make any difference . They did say at the time that it wasn't the correct counciling for me . I have been on 10mg of citalopram since last January and I'm on proponolol for the migraines . I just feel that everything's a chore and sometimes I could happily stay in bed all day given the chance . It's like I'm a teenager again , but with added aches and pains 😠. I have got my inheritance just come through so I'm looking forward to doing up the house if I can muster the energy . The lingering headaches get me down , but the doctor just said it's all to do with age and hormones .

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      Hi Jane, Im in sertraline for the anxiety and propranalol for palpitations and panic attacks but its also helped reduce my migraines a lot. Yes i had joint aches and pains in peri but not had them since periods have stopped. Hot flashes and night sweats have pretty much stopped too. But the actual menopause has brought terrible anxiety and panic attacks. Improving on the meds but still struggle with anxiety when around stressy people particularly! Just had a good low anxiety week, not needed any diazepam, went for coffee with my stressy friend and bang! Anxiety is back and im now struggling to get the level down. Also have IBS burping & bloating since peri. Also on hrt patch but who knows whats working and whats not?! X

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      Oh and doing up your house sounds a great idea, i find it very therapeutic, tho i think id be slower at it now on betablockers, just do things at your own pace and look forward to seeing the fruits of your labour :-) my work at one school (supply/casual teacher) has dried up so im looking for a job at a time when im most stressed and least confident, its rubbish! Hope you can overcome your anxiety so it doesnt escalate to panic disorder like mine has x
  • Posted

    Hi Jane, yes I definitely think traumas (sorry for your loss) can trigger symptoms...and it's not all in your head..... Remember adrenal stress hormones 'talk' to our reproductive hormones and they all interact with each other. Different feeling also produce different chemicals in our bodies.

    i too have chronic daily headaches with migraines on top, lots of fatigue ( like I've got lead in my limbs and a foggy brain). A recent trip to another gynae said I'm not suited for oestrogen (already on progesterone cream) coz it may make my migraines and adenomyosis he wants me to try gabapentin as apparently it's good for pain and hot flushes ( he reckons that hot flushes seem to connect to the memory loss, so if you reduce the hot flushes the memory seems to improve???) I really don't want to be "medicated" though ...that stresses me too! I've also been looking into PEA...a natural pain reliever....

  • Posted

    Hi Jane

    I'm dealing with the same things..headaches for me is a daily thing..I do get nervous with every little thing..scared that bad things will happen and I do wake up every night around 2am and could take couple hours before I can go back to far as dreams they feel so real I wish I did t remember them when I woke up. I'm so tired feeling like that, for me the constant anxiety and headaches are the worst!! Is it normal? I don't know but is horrible!!

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    I have had peri symptoms off and on for over 10 years last may I had polyps removed my OBGYN said this would throw me into menopause. OMG !!!! Once a month for about a week to a week in a half my symptoms are. 1. Severe migraines. 2. Throwing up (can't even hold water down). 3. Can't sleep. 4. Can't eat. 5. Can't stand to be touched ( every area of my body is sensitive) I am 5'5 and I only weigh 105 pounds 6. Very irritable. 7. Very impatient. I had very major back surgery in August 2015. 4 months later I had a. Total right hip replacement and 4 months after that I had the polyps removed I was supposed to go back to work in 6-8 weeks and it been almost 18 months and I have not been released too go back !!!!!!! That has not helped I loved my job I have been with the company for 15 years. Oh and I get really bad chills I feel like I have the flu. I never could have imagined all of this but I trust this is part of GOD'S plan for me, please share this if you can and I hope this helps you some and could you let me know if you have any of these symptoms ???? Also throwing up is very hard on my back and I need another surgery :-(((

  • Posted

    Dear Jane

    Firstly, so sorry about your mum. I sadly loss my mum twenty years ago but went through panic attacks etc which bereavement caused me. I understand how you must be feeling dealing with that but going through menopause too! In the early stages of meno I had terrible anxiety and panic. Thankfully the anxiety has waned but I always feel the panic could come on. I take multi vits for over 50's and I think that has helped the anxiety along with the stiff aching joints. In early peri I had the sensitive eyes to sunlight, migraine auras about four a month and just this heavy watery eye feel which I still get now, I can have tears running down my face! I do take myself off swimming and the exercise really does help! I had a stage of literally waking up every hour but it got better but I think it is something that comes and goes even though I am two years almost post meno. I also had digestive issues in peri, gastitis (loss appetite, nausea, stomach burning) and I hated that too! Thankfully after some time it did clear. The night sweats went but even now out of the blue I will come over hot, I hope you can get through this stage OK, not only menopause but bereavement too, take care xx

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