Always hungry, especially after I’ve eaten?

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hey guys!

this sounds a bit obscure and i cant believe im asking this hut its really starting to get on my nerves!

im 5'3 - about 11st11, and im not hugely actuve but i do move about a bit, lets call it moderate exercise.

I have a relatively healthy diet, exclusing occaisonal cheat days, but nothing excessive.

in the last few weeks, around 10/15 minutes AFTER ive eaten a substantial meal, i get that pulling feeling in my stomach thats telling me im hungry. ive tried drinking water incase its thirst and that just doesnt help. i'm at my wits end with it to be honest!

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    A couple

    • Posted

      Stupid phone, I pressed the wrong button.

      How many calories do you think you eat daily, have you just recently started a diet or given up smoking.

      Hunger pangs can be caused by dehydration or an ulcer which is probably less likely.

      How's your vitamin levels and have you had bloods done recently.

    • Posted


      I have started trying to eat a bit more sensibly - I'm watching what I eat and using MyFitnessPal to track calories. However, I've done this for a little while now and it's only recently the hunger thing has happened.

      I'm drinking loads of water throughout the day and evening - more consciously now I'm hungry to try and 'cure' it as such but that doesn't appear to be working either.

      Haven't had any blood tests for a while and unsure of vitamin levels so maybe I should get those checked. How's best to go about that?

    • Posted

      Hi I just found a great site explaining why you can experience hunger pangs but not be hungry, will send the link via message

      Don't normally take any notice of these sites but I suffered something similar when losing weigh after quitting smoking and this explanation was from a nutritionalist

    • Posted

      Hunger pangs, or hunger pains, are a natural reaction to an empty stomach. They cause a gnawing feeling or an empty sensation in the abdomen.

      But hunger pangs can happen even if the body does not need food. Several other situations and conditions can lead to hunger pangs, including:

      sleep deprivation


      eating the wrong foods

      Read on to learn more about hunger pains and discover how to ease them.

      What are the causes?

      People get hunger pangs or hunger pains for several different reasons. Seven reasons are explained here:

      1. Hunger hormone

        Woman with hunger pains

        The release of ghrelin in the body, dehydration, and a person's emotional state can cause hunger pains.

        The brain triggers the release of a hormone called ghrelin in response to an empty stomach or in anticipation of the next meal.

      Ghrelin signals the body to release stomach acids to digest food. If food is not consumed, the stomach acids begin to attack the lining of the stomach, causing hunger pains.

      Studies have shown that ghrelin increases hunger by up to 30 percent when it is administered to adults.

      1. Quality of food eaten

        Hunger pangs can happen even when the body does not need calories.

      This is because ghrelin interacts with insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. Falling levels of insulin cause ghrelin, and therefore hunger, levels to rise.

      Junk food contains high amounts of sugar and simple carbohydrates. Eating it causes a spike in insulin levels, followed by a quick drop. Ghrelin then increases, even though the food was consumed only an hour or so beforehand.

      In this way, eating even large amounts of poor quality food can increase hunger and cause the pang response in the body.

      1. Dehydration

        Many people cannot tell the difference between hunger and thirst because the symptoms are so similar.

      Thirst can cause symptoms, such as:

      stomach pains




      4. The environment

      Some people experience pangs in response to smells and sights. Many people have a physical response to the smell of freshly baked goods or cooking. Images of food on T.V. or online can also cause the mouth to water.

      Although this type of hunger may not be based on a need for food, it causes very real physical symptoms, including hunger pains.

      Ten natural ways to suppress appetite

      Ten natural ways to suppress appetite

      People who change their diet may find they get hunger pangs as their body adjusts. This can make sticking to a healthful diet challenging. Learn more about the best ways to suppress the appetite here.

      READ NOW

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      1. Lack of sleep

        Overeating and excess weight have long been associated with sleep deprivation. It appears that hunger pains may be linked to a lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep.

      Lack of sleep increases the effects of a chemical that makes eating sweet, salty, and high-fat foods more appealing, a 2016 study suggests.

      The sleep-deprived study participants ate a meal containing 90 percent of their daily calories but were unable to resist junk foods just 2 hours later.

      1. Emotional state

        People may mistake their brain signals for food as hunger pains in some cases. This situation can occur when someone is in a heightened emotional state.

      Research suggests that stress and other negative emotions can make it seem like the body urgently needs food, even when it may not.

      A rumbling or growling stomach can sometimes help distinguish between emotional and physical hunger. The noises can only be heard when the stomach is empty.

      1. Medication and medical conditions

        Hunger pangs may be caused by medical conditions in rare cases. This is true for people with diabetes, as hunger increases when blood sugar crashes.

      It can indicate an infection or digestive illness that requires medical attention if pains occur alongside other symptoms. Look out for symptoms, such as:








      Some medications, including certain antidepressants, may interfere with hunger signals and ghrelin release.


      woman holding her head in slight pain possibly has dizziness and fatigue

      Symptoms of hunger pains may include tiredness, irritability, and lightheadedness.

      Hunger pains feel like a gnawing or rumbling in the stomach. They may also present as contractions or the feeling of emptiness.

      Other symptoms may include:

      cravings for certain foods




      strong desire to eat

      Once food is consumed, hunger pains and other hunger symptoms usually go away. The stomach adjusts to this new level of fullness (or emptiness), so they may even subside without eating anything.

      Hunger pains when dieting

      Research on mice has found that there is an instinctive desire to reduce hunger pangs and other hunger signals. Certain neurons in the brain kick in to fuel appetite once a certain amount of bodyweight has been lost.

      This may explain why it is challenging to stick to a diet when experiencing hunger pains.

      There may be other ways to control hunger pangs while losing weight even though the researchers suggest that manipulating these neurons will help people maintain their diets.

      How to alleviate hunger pains

      To alleviate hunger pains, especially when dieting, people can try the following:

      Eat at regular intervals

      Ghrelin is released in response to what someone's usual mealtimes are.

      Sticking to a schedule will ensure food reaches the stomach in time to meet the stomach acid released in response to ghrelin spikes.

      It can also be helpful to carry healthful, low-calorie snacks, such as fruit and nuts, when outside the home, in case it is not possible to eat a full meal at a designated meal time.

      Choose nutrient-dense foods

      fruits vegetables and whole grains

      Eating healthful foods including whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, are recommended to alleviate hunger pains.

      Avoid insulin dips by choosing healthful food options instead of processed ones.

      Eat balanced meals that contain:

      lean protein, such as beans, lentils, and skinless poultry

      whole grains, including brown rice, oats, quinoa, and whole-wheat products

      fruits and vegetables, including fresh, frozen, and canned (without added sugar)

      healthful fats, found in avocados, olives, nuts, and seeds

      low-fat dairy products or dairy alternatives

      A person should try to limit the intake of foods that are high in sugar, salt, saturated fats, and trans fats. Refined carbohydrates, including white bread and white pasta, should be eaten in moderation or not at all.

      Fill up on low-calorie foods

      Some low-calorie foods are considered high-volume, meaning they take up space in the stomach yet do not contribute to weight gain.

      A full stomach will cause levels of ghrelin to drop, which alleviates hunger pains. High-volume, low-calorie foods include:


      raw or lightly steamed green vegetables

      homemade vegetable soups

      green smoothies

      Stay hydrated

      Sip water throughout the day. Aim to drink 8 glasses daily. Limit diuretic drinks, such as caffeine and alcohol, which contribute to dehydration.

      Get enough sleep

      It is sensible to avoid food cravings caused by sleep deprivation by establishing a sleep routine. It helps to go to bed and get up at the same time every day and aim to sleep for 7 to 9 hours nightly.

      Practice mindful eating

      When eating, focus on the taste and texture of each bite. Chew food thoroughly. Do not watch television during mealtimes.

      Use distractions

      A person can try to ignore hunger pains if they are not based on a real need for food.

      Effective distractions include:






      When to see a doctor

      Consult a doctor if hunger pains regularly persist despite eating balanced meals. Stomach pains may suggest a gastrointestinal disorder or infection.

      People who experience the following symptoms along with their hunger pangs should also see a doctor:







      rapid changes in weight

      sleep difficulties




      Stomach pains are a normal response to hunger. Although they may signal a need for food, it is possible to experience hunger pangs in response to other situations, including dehydration, sleep loss, and anxiety.

      Hunger pains rarely need medical attention, as they usually go away once food is eaten.

      People who are dieting may wish to take steps to alleviate their hunger pains to meet their weight loss goals.

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