Always something
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anyone else feel feverish and burning eyes its been three days if this no fever I'm really getting sick and tired if not feeling normal and well, due in 4 days always something to deal with and now im constantly check temperature its running higher then usual but no fever. it usually stays in the 97's but been running 98.6 or 98.7
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Guest pamela2016
I know how you feel!! I havent had a period since July, you would think i would feel better but i feel even worse!! Hardcore nausea, hot flush feeling, dizziness at times, very tired, no appetite, dry eyes and skin, feel very so sick of this!! I just want to feel good again. I keep feeling like im going to have a period, then it goes away and then it comes back! I broke down and sobbed today...its so hard and terrible
pamela2016 Guest
praying for us both its all bullcrap none of this should be this hard just to lose a period.
CarolDR pamela2016
Are you taking temp under your arm or orally.. Orally if I put mine way under the tongue and different spots it reads much higher and gives me different readings with in secs.
pamela2016 CarolDR
orally i was wondering that dame thing different readings ill try under the arm see what i get is it accurate under arm?
angievon pamela2016
I can relate! The Drs still arent sure whats going on with me- hormones or an autoimmune disease. But i feel like im dying most days.
tamsin00119 angievon
Hi Angievon
Could you describe me all your symptoms you are experiencing... ? Dr says I am having a Fibromyalgia flare up, but my GP told me my hormones are all over very high FSH, very low estrogen, progesterone higher, etc... I feel terrrible... no energy, aches and pains all over, feels like I cant lift my arms sometimes, cant sleep, flusing and burning on off all day... headaches, etc
Would be interested to know yours.
Gypsy014 tamsin00119
Angie and Tams if you already have the autoimmune diseases menopause can make them so much worse. And visa versa.. So it could definitely be both and most likely is..
tamsin00119 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy
Yes I agree.... I can only get to see my hormonal specialist in April... I have to get through this month and maybe he will be able to prescribe me something to alleviate some of my issues...