Am 44 years can i be experiencing pre menopause

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Can someone tell me what kind of body aches to expect if am going through premenopause.. My monthly is also flowing very light in color, my heart races sometimes, am irritated most times, i feel like i can't stand to be around people I'll see my friends calling my phone and i just wouldn't answer, sometimes i feel excited fir no reason even if am speaking or trying to explain myself to someone i find myself fumbling and breathing like i get a short breatw attack and i does just get confused.. But in all the body aches is the worst.

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    Mine started at 36 - I got Hashimotos which is when your immune system attacks your adrenal glands - it attacked my thyroid and my ovaries. I was up and down emotionally, didn't have a period for a couple of months - just spotted  - felt annoyed by everything - cried -  it could definitely be your hormones. Try over the counter stuff and see if it helps. I wasn't very savvy about this when I was younger and there's products now that we didn't use to have. I was put on HRT because I'm thin and white, and therefore at risk of osteoporosis. I've gone off it a few times, but just for a few months - going off made my joints ache - I felt like a crickety old woman.  True, I'm about to turn 65, but, I've never had a joint problem before and I'm not overweight or a bad eater. I used to be a dancer in a dance troupe for 8 years. I recently went off for about 4 months and went back on it this past week, but just every other day since my triglycerides are just a little high as well as my cholesterol - which is related to thyroid hormone levels.  Too much or too little thyroid hormone can make your cholesterol levels swing up or down. I'm on a low dose.

    Body aches suck - try Fish Oil or glucosamine (if you're not allergic to shellfish), and make sure they're quality brands - most aren't. There's a brand from Denmark that's good, not sure if I'm able to mention it on this forum or if they'll delete my comment... And eat good fats, no trans fats - olive oil is good. Avacado, nuts, peanut oil, fish etc. It helps your joints.  So does good soluble fiber - and drinking a lot of water.  I got bloated and had IBS and all kinds of issues when I was peri menopausal.

    Good luck to you. You're definitely not alone...

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    BTW, definitely go see a good doctor - someone who specializes in this is even better.
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      Thin and white had nothing to do with my peri
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    Mine was hands and feet, they started occasionally in early peri, the feet on the bottoms just got more often. Now post it's my shoulders I've found with all of it that it's better to wince and keep at what your doing rather than try and rest, my shoulder was particularly bad over Christmas and my husband did the things that bothered it for me (his idea if he has a pain he rests it) like reaching my seat belt in the car and getting things out of the cupboards and helped me on with my coat.

    But as soon as I had to do it again for myself the pain was back and worse than if I just carry on with it.

    I started HRT in November it's helped with the feet I haven't had that for a while but the shoulders especially the left continue even sleeping on the left side hurts it.

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    I turn 45 next week and had symptoms for a little over a year.  In terms of aches and pains, I get joint pain, sore breasts (one side worse than the other, with some underarm pain on that side), and I get worse headaches than before during periods.  If I get too tired, my whole body hurts.  There are a few posts on the forum where 66 different symptoms are listed and you may find that helpful.

    Your mood sounds a lot like mine.  I feel anxious and irritated a lot and sometimes just don't want to be around people, and I've definitely ignored some phone calls over it.  I also lose track of thoughts mid-sentence occasionally or know of a word that I want to use and can't think of it.  Panic attacks are also an occasional part of the mix.

    If you haven't already, go see a gyn doctor for an evaluation.  Seeing my new doctor helped me feel less crazy with all this, and the forums here are great!  Lots of wonderful ladies here can help with your questions.  Take care and best wishes.

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      Hi Elizabeth,

      Losing track of thoughts mid sentence used to make me panic especially around non family (who just laughed and finished my sentences for me).

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      Hi Zigangie, it's so embarrassing at work, too... I work with college students and they will fill in whatever word I can't think of... you've made me feel better by sharing your experience.  They just make me feel old and tired, and it's such a competitive environment, too.
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      I could just's some weird feelings. .
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      That forgetting what u wanna say or loosing your words is such an embarrassment ...
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      I hope for more advise..
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      wow that's just to much am feeling alot better now..Hope you horrible feelings have improved..

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      Oh yes that fumbling feeling when u speak is really embarasssing..

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