Am done...
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Hi Ladies, hope you're all doing well. Well, his cranky Ol lady is ranting again lol...don't feel as though I'm in a good spot at the mo, I feel done, I feel empty, I feel nothing, I feel marriage seems devoid of warmth n closeness, hubby has had enough, not enough sex for him & cuddles just don't do it, I enjoy cuddles they somehow make me feel safe n give me comfort but since he says he's not a 'teddy bear'....there's little physical connection & I just feel empty n broken. It's like all these menopausal upheavals have done me in & destroyed my soul, am I really horrible for feeling ok or even better, more settled on my own without hubby where there's no pressure or expectation about/wanting closeness n sex? don't know the outcome of my marriage, or even me & recently discovering being asexual with a hubby who is the complete opposite...what do I do, just give up? discovering this now explains a lot of problems I've had. Sorry ladies, I'm such a bag of misery...this probably isn't a very appropriate 'menopausal' post. I wish I could feel well n normal everyday, not in a repeatitive cycle of days some good some bad with emotions that resemble a tsunami 😭
Take Care
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lisa65434 Bobbins059
delilah82600 Bobbins059
jennifer01077 Bobbins059
First thanks always for your honesty. I mean, it's real. This aint easy!
I am single now, and I am so thankful for that. I always think, what could I possibly give another person now? I love that I can go home from my work and just be alone, watch TV, eat a little. Rest and rest and rest, and have no demands on me. So I totally empathize with your feelings.
I do realize how important projects and the idea of potential has always been in my mind. The feeling of satisfaction at finishing a project (not always wisely started!) and the feeling of excitement at the beginning of one was so much part of my life. And now, although I do have a few to finish up (and which I have committed to finishing up), I realize I can't start any new ones. My project can only be my health. Otherwise the stress involved with send me into depression.
I guess time will tell whether your marriage will survive or not. I am thinking that your husband is not taking too seriously the 'in sickness or in health' part of the marriage vows. So it up to him, too. He's failing you too. Mind you, if I had a penis, with its incessant demands, I might feel differently. My friends, a couple, with the wife going through menopause, haven't had sex in two years. He says he wishes he didn't have sexual impulses to deal with, but he deals with them by himself. They manage. And I didn't have sex with my partner for two years, during peri, prior to our breakup. But I am glad we broke up, we weren't compatible.
OH Bobbins. Sorry you are having a bad day.
laurie93043 Bobbins059
susan556 Bobbins059
Im glad you did type out your thoughts and feelings on hear, if you cant do that then where else can you. Me and hubby have ended up with seperate bedrooms now, partly becuase we were both waking each other up going to the loo and creaky floors on the journey. I think mine is still hoping ill suddenly find myself feeling sexy and wonder into his room, he has hinted come in for a cuddle but we all know it wouldnt stay as that dont we.
Take care yourself dont forget we are all hear to help, and we do understand.
Sue x
jayneejay Bobbins059
i went through all of this ..
Times i didnt even want my other half near me ..
i am post meno now ( nearly 2 years) no HRT
and now i am feeling really good.
its does get better hun.. It did for me
it took a while and i had a ten year peri .. From age 39
i am 51 now ..
i also had Vit D deficiency which i didnt know until i had the test in May and B12 was low aswell, i have weekly injections of Optivite B12, now i have them supplemented B12 and Vit D and have also been taking very low dose Escitalopram ( the newer Citalopram) since May i feel great,
getting my life back, out everyday, driving everywhere and enjoying life again.
My energy levela are up - i also take chelated magnesium as vit D supplements can deplete our magnesium levels and my mega B 100mg B' vits containing 100mg of B's
google low dose antidepressant the HRT alternative .
mine is not a depressed dosage, i was desperate as i was having 20 plus severe hot flushes a day and my body was exhausted and wow its changed my life completely
jay x
nancy0925 Bobbins059
susan21149 Bobbins059
Please don't give up this is what menopause has done to me at times I just don't feel like holding my boyfriend or having him cuddle up to me. At times i feel like sleeping in another room on the futon to get my space.
Talk to your husband help him to understand that you love him and that the menopause affects your moods at times ask him to ask you if you want to be held and if your are not having symptoms then you should hold him and tell him you love him
jackie04837 Bobbins059
Take care and hang on in there