Am I an alcoholic?

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I need help knowing if I'm an alcoholic and if its actually safe for me to quit by myself. This is my situation I go on mini binge drinking spree's. Basically I would have 8-10 beers on one night then i would go without alcohol the next night then i would have 8-10 beers the next few night then quit for a night. Sometimes I would drink in the morning but not at night.

I was reading the internet and apparetly it can be dangrous to quit, but i wanna quit or at least gain control of my drinking by quitting on my own.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Are you talking pints or 12 ounce beers and what %  Alcohol By Volume? If it's 8 - 10 12 oz beers of 5% ABV or less, I've tapered down from that area 1 beer every other session and got down to 3 per night (I was a daily drinker) with not much difficulty. The downside is that I jumped back up to 15 per night, then I decided it was time for The Sinclair Method. But I'd been drinking for 30 years. 

    Your drinking style sounds more like binging, but you don't mention passing out or blacking out, which bingers often do. 

    • Posted

      im talking about normal stubbie beers. I have blacked out a few time in the past. The last time I blacked out I ruptered my fibula and had an operation.
    • Posted

      In the US, those are typically "Session" brand beers and are 11 oz, 5.2 % as I recall, so that would qualify as 8-10 standard beers per your OP. 

      I would expect that if you flat out quit, you'd have some withdrawal symptoms, but not like someone who was putting away 1.5 liters of vodka every couple of nights. See if you can reduce via a controlled taper. If no go and you just can't get your numbers down, then spend some time talking this over with your doc. You might also want to take a look at this article as another option:

      Does alcoholism run in your family? 

  • Posted

    I think your an alcoholic for 2 reasons.

    1. you are searching internet to learn about your drinking.

    2. you took all the trouble to sign up to the website (whenever you did that).

    Your consumption is pretty heavy.  How long have you been in this cycle?  

    I ask that because binge drinking is usually....days on end....then stopping for many days in a row and then doing it again at a later time.

     It sounds like you drink every other night....without a long period of stopping?

  • Posted

    I think that you have an addiction problem because the amount that you drink will last to the next day so that you can pick up again the day after.  If  you feel ready I would try to get some help and stop your drinking gradually with the help of suitable drugs.
  • Posted

    Hi. I think what everyone has said is relevant. It will just get worse if you don't do something about it immediatly. It will just get worse until you lose everything. There's a lot of us on this site that have lost nearly everything. 

    You need help so stay on the forum and you will get from medicals and alcohol dependants, recovering, recovered or still trying.

    Stay here, love and blessings x

    • Posted

      Hi - PF can I ask what you mean by losing everything?

      I am a "still trying" to control my drinking.

      Thanks and hugs to all.


  • Posted

    Well i suppose try go a week with no alcohol, or at max half the amount of alcohol you usually have and check for withdrawal symptoms. Best way to know if you're addicted if you ask me

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