Am I an alcoholic

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Hi there, I am a 35 year old female with two children. I have various medical conditions... type 1 diabetes, crohns disease (though in remission), depression and gastroparesis.

On various occasions and by various health proffesionals I have been labelled an alcoholic... I refuse to believe this..... 

I do drink most days.... sometimes vodka, sometimes wine, sometimes cider... I do not drink until I feel drunk though I know I do drink more than the advised units per day.... I have learned when to stop providing I dont drink too much... the more I drink the more I want to drink. 

I cannot imaginr going out and not drinking.. though it is very rare I go anywhere these days... I drink alone 5 nights out of seven... I am convinced I could stop though always seem to find an excuse to buy it even though money is an issue.

I dont want to stop drinking... I enjoy it... its one of the few pleasures in life..

However.... I NEVER wake up and want or feel the need to drink in the morning.... its normally about 5 pm when the urge come on...

Do I have a problem or am I just lonely and bored??

My councellor and diabetic nurse think I am an alcoholic but I do not get withdrawal syptoms and like i say I wouldnt dream of drinking in the morning.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry to tell you tamx1 but I would say yes you are, like most alchoholics you are looking for excuses and a reason to drink, loney etc, it has become a crutch and one you can ill afford by the sounds of it. Just because your not downing a bottle of Vodka for breakfast does not mean you are OK, you are on a slippery slope young lady.

    Please stop now, today, the first week is tough, the tougher you find it the more your dependance.

    Stop looking for excuses, think of your two kids who need you and they need you sober, the longer it goes on the worse you will get believe me. You are still young enough to get better, so stop.

    I know you dont want to hear this but you did ask.

    • Posted


      I guess u have have ur belief system on UR experiences.and I learned a long time ago it never does anyone any good to truthfully answer that question.

      becuz if their is a need to ask that question the answer is void . 

      We do not know her the dr does and he did tell her his professional accessment. He knows he will be met with denial and anger. 

      Its is a good assessment of one post that was or wasn't honest with how much alcohol was consumed. Yet the question was directed by the mind of an alcoholic. Left a way out . No am drinking. And we all know that alcoholics think they r smarter than the rest of the world, yet u called her out.

      Until the day comes when they have lost EVERYTHING they ever had including their dignity. By then the cravings have taken over their life they could have had & r always Struggling to find that next drink... 


      HOPE exclaim


  • Posted

    Hello tamx3.

    You certainly have a habit which could impact on your health and could also, if it already isn't, lead to a physical dependence on alcohol. To check where you are currently at, do the Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire - Google SADQ.

    Instructions to calculate your score are at the bottom of the questionnaire.

    I do believe that some health professionals are quick to jump to label a person alcohol dependent when that is not the case but, if you do have a problem, it is too dangerous to let it go too far, particularly with your other health problems, particularly the type 1 diabetes which I also have.


  • Posted

    Quote from UR post...

    " The more I drink the more I want to drink." I'm not sure what you mean I find it confusing. 

    Only u know what u need to do to answer that question. We cannot make a judgement on one post. There is so much more to that question. 



  • Posted

    Hi Tamx3, I do not believe you are alcoholic. I have been drinking in a similar  fashion for many years. I don't crave drink, I enjoy it. My social life revolves around it. 

    I can stop for a few days at a time when I feel the need to, but look forward to the weekend when I can have a few beers and unwind again.

    I was concerned, like you, that I was becoming dependant, so I joined a group of alcoholics ( on the web ). It did me no good at all because It just kept reminding me of drink !

    You can only stop on your own. Someone else yelling " Stop now ! " is no good to you at all. Just try it for a few days, knowing you will have a drink at the weekend as a reward. Then if you enjoy how you felt, try and remember that for next time.

    Don't be bullied, do it yourself.

    Remember, it really doesn't hurt when you stop, especially when you know you can reward yourself later.

    Good luck smile

    • Posted

      Hi zap,

      I support UR advice.. Thanks for sharing UR heart..


      HOPE biggrin

  • Posted

    hi tamx3    i am sorry but you do do seem to have all the sighns of a alcoholic in deniel, i am a alcoholic in recovery, i to said to myself i do it because i enjoy it, and i can stop anytime i want(not true) drinking alone is not a good idea you asked, do i drink because, i am lonley and bored,the more you drink the more lonly and bored you will become, it seems to me you are looking for someone to back you up, The best back up for you right now is get help before it goes further i wish you all the best  

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