Am I doing the right thing?
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is there anyone out there who can help me I have had depression for over 10years now and have been on seroxat all that time but I have switched today to 50mg of sertraline I have had to do something as I have been going through hell the past 2days I thought I knew what depression was but what I have felt for 2 days has scared the living daylights out of me can anyone tell me if I have done the right thing or do you think I will get worse after so long on seroxat what I have read about seroxat are not good are these sertraline better
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scott8888 foxy12
I don't think any of us can tell you the right thing to do as we are all different, but what we can do is guide you or help with 100% of your worries. I've not been in your situation but I'm looking at the bigger picture here and will stick on saying 50mgs will only mask those issues your maybe looking at 100 to 150mgs but only a doctor will make the final call. While you are suffering I urge you to come on here whenever you have thoughts or symptoms as even a little talk can put your mind at ease. Good luck
foxy12 scott8888
Digsby foxy12
I am struggling with suicidal depression and my psychiatrist switched me to Sertraline (50mg) last week. I did withdraw from the Venlafaxine which was giving me horrible side effects and making me feel worse. Did you withdraw off the Seroxat? You may have withdrawal sysmptoms still from that (just a thought).
From what I've read on the forums, people can become immune to the beneficial effects of their long-term anti-depressant. Did your doctor/health professional recommend Sertraline?
At times like this, i think it is crucial to have someone to talk to. The forum is great for support but you don't always want to be waiting for a reply (hours or days). You need some reassurrance right now! Please try to stay positive. I now how it is to think that you can't possibly feel any worse, and then to wake up feel worse than you ever have before. It feels like a hopeless situation...but it isn't! Whatever helps you to stay calm (listening to music, exercise, meditating) please spend all the time you need doing it. Relax, acknowledge the way you are feeling, allow yourself to feel bad without any self-criticism. Pamper yourself :-)
Please let me know how you are feeling. Take care and try to stay positive, even though it feels like the most difficult, energy-sapping task in the world. You are stronger than you think - I know cos I'm a blithering wreck and I can do it ;-)
Love & best wishes,
foxy12 Digsby
foxy12 Digsby
Digsby foxy12
Digsby foxy12
I am 47 years old with a history of depression in all my immediate family members. My psychiatrist has suggested my depression may be genetic, although I don't like that theory because it takes away my control and absolves me of responsibility a little (so bad and good).
I had a life trauma in 2011, which was my severest bout of depression. I recovered with low dose antidepressants and some therapy. I was fine for 18 months and then "crashed" for no obvious reason, just an accumulation of small factors which most people would cope with fine. Again I recovered with the help of low dosage and some psychotherapy.
Here I am again: I thought the previous bouts of depression were as bad as it could get (they brought me to the brink of suicide for days on end). This is so much worse and each day is a battle. Sorry to ramble: I do know how you are feeling, It's very scary to feel like falling and not know if there is anyone to catch you.
Have you anyone offline you can confide in? I haven't been able to share the full story with my family and closest friends, but they have drawn closer to me. I'm just afraid of becomin g too needy & dependent.
I came off Venlafaxine cold turkey on Christmas Eve cos the side effects were unbearable. I had a great Christmas & Boxing Day :-)
Now I have lost my focus and had to find new ones to distract me. Can you distract yourself with anything or soothe your mind?
Hang in there! Climbing Everest is hard, near impossible; living with and through depression is definitely possible. You can do it. I believe in you so you need to start believing in yourself :-)
Love & best wishes,
pamela67873 foxy12