Am i expecting to much!
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Its been 2 weeks on fluoxetine 20mg tired two others before this, first Citlopram then Mirtazapine cant see past my nose at the mo. Its been over a year now and losing all hope of getting any better. nothing i do or anything people say makes any difference, feel stuck to the sofa frightened, scared to death of living this hell of a life. hate myself for being like this. A friend even surgested that in ask my doc for a ms test as i discribed some of my symptoms losing my balance pins and neddles numbness in ny hands and feet,feet at night feel burning have to put them out of the bed. so so tried even to have a shower feels like ive run a marathion with no sleep.numbness in my bottom going down my leg. blurred vision,.even if i tell the doc he just says you have depression, do feel could it be something else making me feel this bad for so long now
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1980 michelle49272
Your symptoms may well be side effects of the antidepressants or withdrawal effects if you have changed drugs lately. Can you recall having these symptoms before starting antidepressants? If you look up Mirtazapine side effects it can give you very much ms like sensations.
If you are however worried about having something wrong with you other than depression, I'd suggest to check for Lyme's disease (from a tick bite or mosquito) as it's something that imitates ms and I know as I have it. Also on Mirtazapine and having not a good time. My neurologist told me that some antidepressants and also Lyme's are great ms imitators. I hope this help a little. Take care x
michelle49272 1980
NickOliver michelle49272
I am sorry to hear that you are feeling dreadful.
Do you know what symptoms your GP is treating you for? Without knowing that it is difficult to know whether you are getting better ie does your GP think that you are getting better. What do your friends and relations think? It is useful to get the feedback from others. You may not think that you are getting better but others might see an improvement.
michelle49272 NickOliver
NickOliver michelle49272
If you are seeing a psy doc presumably he is saying what is wrong with you. If there was nothing wrong with you he wouldn't keep on seeing you.
If your GP (are you in the UK) is saying that you are too young to be like this - like what. I was unaware that eg depression or other disorders were age-related.
s79667 michelle49272
Taking that into account and the symptoms you are describing, perhaps you might want to consider just asking your GP for a blood test for anaemia. The reason I suggest this, is because currently I have some other health issues ongoing but have been told I am also suffering with chronic anaemia and the symptoms you describe very much reflect some of the things I am suffering with because of this. I do not want to alarm you because, as previously stated, it may be the meds and the way they affect you, but more people have anaemia than is often reported apparently and GP's often ignore such symptoms but numbness in the limbs, loss of balance, fatigue, pins and needles, blurred vision are all markers of a potiential anaemia issue and can be treated in most people with simple medical assistance. I just thought I would log in and write to you because it chimes with some of the things I have been experiencing and was concerned at how badly you currently feel. Hope this helps and very best wishes to you.
david28533 michelle49272
michele_20247 michelle49272
Please keep us informed of how things go..
NickOliver michele_20247
jeanette_00444 michelle49272
NickOliver jeanette_00444
You say that you had never felt so ill on the drugs - yet you speak of the withdrawal effects. If the withdrawal effects were less than those you felt when you were on the drug - which they presumably were, surely that was better than continuing on the drug - with its terrible effects.
I would have gone for the lesser effects of withdrawal to escape the terrible effects of being on the drug.
michele_20247 jeanette_00444
NickOliver michele_20247