Am I going mad?
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Hi ladies,
I just can't get enough sleep and pins and needles in arms neck legs. My neck is all knotted up every time I move my neck it sends pins and needles threw my arms. I mean for heavens sake, is there no end? Doctor apt for Monday. Going to make my doctor do hormone test. I have had it with her saying to suck it up.
I really hope all you ladies are doing well. This is just a never ending thing. So emotional. Sorry
Oh and the ringing in my ears. Ugh so loud. And might I add. What's with the big puffy baggie eye's
Oh talk about hurting a women's ego. Oh please let there be and end to this .
1 like, 16 replies
michelle50768 juliesutton
I've got this constant inner vibration which is freaking me out.
Ibe had it on and off before but now its constant.
Ive convinced myself ive got parkinsons or some other dreadful thing.
Im a carer so it dont help I see this stuff every day.
Im out of my mind with all these constant symptoms.
The list to long to mention.
Been off my AD five weeks so probably not helping.
Im praying for you. Hope you have a good day x
juliesutton michelle50768
michelle46271 juliesutton
I have a pressure headache all the time,even when I wake up.
Oh the sleep is a nightmare. I actually don't like going to bed cause I know I'm in for a roller coaster of a night. I seem to drop off for an hour then I wake with restless body and legs.
What a life !
Fairy28 michelle46271
michelle46271 Fairy28
Fairy28 michelle46271
Glitzy Fairy28
juliesutton michelle46271
juliesutton michelle46271
Walking up these fights of stairs in my house are killing me. I don't know how much more I can take. Hang in there, it does go away, howeverI did change my diet to see if that would help.
k04465 juliesutton
juliesutton k04465
The vision thing, is quite disturbing I know. I still have it. I'm actually having to wear my first pair of glasses now. So bummed. I'm the type of person who needs her sunglasses to drive because any type of light kills me. Even the stores lights.
If I we're you I would buy a pair of light sunglasses and wear them for awhile during the day. See if it helps. It did me. Hugs doll
k04465 juliesutton
juliesutton k04465
I looked up stretching exercises for it. It has helped very much
Look up stretching exercises for bound up knots in neck and shoulder.
debbie75601 juliesutton
juliesutton debbie75601
debbie75601 juliesutton